In the kitchen
Friends & family
In another life
Music & entertainment
Sam I am

His favorite summer vegetable (grain?) is buttered and often eaten in a cylindrical fashion

What is corn?


The name of his wife

Who is Ashley?


Speaking this language fluently would have been a dream and a lifestyle match

What is French?


Sam has said he would love to be the captain watching over the meham of this nautically themed reality TV show.

What is Below Deck?


"Parallel parking and parking in tight spots" is Sam's ______

What is his mundane superpower?


Both a classic and Sam's favorite La Croix flavor

What is Pamplemousse?


His going-away party as he departed this city was among the most surprised he's been

What is NYC?


Writing and playing music at the absolute highest level

What is his desired expert skill or content area?


Time Crisis

What is an arcade game that Sam gravitates toward?


Among his most memorable events was the time he attended the 2012 World Cup in this country

What is South Africa?


This will never be served at Sam's Thanksgiving dinner (neither canned or fresh)

What is cranberry sauce?


Sam wishes he had this trait from his father. (Hint: Sam suggested his millenial shame could be the reason he doesn't have it.)

What is his shameless ability to talk to anyone?


Applied Math (with philosophy and statistics as other potentials)

What is a major he wish he could re-do in college?


If he had the chance, he would have been on set for the filming of this classic Tom Cruise movie (either the 1980s or the 2020s version would do)

What is Top Gun?


Banana pancakes + caviar

What is his favorite weird food combo?


Kosher dill pickles

What is the only item Sam would have in his fridge, if forced to have only one item?


The name of his dog

 [I forget; what is it Sam?]


As a small child, this transit-oriented occupation was his dream job

What is a bus driver?


"Am I smarter than a 5th grader?" is the game show Sam would be on to do this

What is "maximize earnings"?


Traveling from Beijing to _____ is what he would write an article, blog post, or book about. Hint: he nearly was arrested at the Khazakhastan border.

What is Moscow?


Breaking down and prepping vegetables serves this other purpose for Sam (beyond the obvious one)

What is his unorthodox self-care technique?


As a child, Sam went through a deep phase where he wanted to be this fictional superhero, and he would demonstrate his skills by jumping off benches (also a repeatable story at the family table)

Who is Batman?


If he were to own a business, Sam would operate a high-end _________ . (Pre-internet would have been his ideal timing for this business.)

What is a travel agency?


Either of these musical artists would have been rad for his wedding day

Who are either Daft Punk or Bob Marley?


This South American hiking destination is among the top of his bucket list

What is Patagonia?