Sts. Cyril and Methodius are known as the Apostles to these people.
This Italian poet placed St. Peter in one of the highest circles of Paradiso.
Dante Alighieri
Today, the episcopal throne of the Bishop of Rome is located in this church.
St. John Lateran
In 2015, Pope Francis declared Gregory of Narek the first Armenian saint to receive this prestigious title, given to only 37 individuals in Church history.
Doctor of the Church
Before dedicating her life to religious service, Saint Katherine Drexel was born into a wealthy and prominent family from this recently-victorious U.S. city.
St. Cyril is credited with developing the Glagolitic alphabet, to better teach the faith. It evolved into this alphabet, which is named for him.
Before becoming a cardinal, Peter Damian was a monk in this oldest Latin Church religious order.
The relic of the Chair of Saint Peter was a gift from the Carolingian Empire to Pope John VIII, made by this follicularly- challenged Charles.
Charles the Bald
Saint Gregory of Narek’s most famous work, Book of Lamentations, which is said to have influenced all Armenian literature, is written in this genre.
Canonized in 2000 by Pope John Paul II, Saint Katherine Drexel became the second American-born saint, following this woman.
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton
Sts. Cyril and Methodius were originally from Thessaloniki, in the northern part of this Mediterranean country.
Though an zealous practitioner of mortifications -- including flagellation -- Saint Peter Damian, while prior of his monastery, required his monks to do this, in order to make up for the fatigue of the night office.
In Saint Peter’s Basilica, the relic of the throne is enclosed in a sculpted gilt bronze casing designed by this artist.
Gian Lorenzo Bernini
In 1673, the first attempted commercial publishing of Book of Lamentations was thwarted when the Vatican censored it by placing it on this.
Index Librorum Prohibitorum
In 1891, she founded the Sisters of the Blessed this, a religious congregation serving Black and Indigenous Americans.
In the 9th century, Pope Adrian II approved Sts. Cyril and Methodius' translation of the Bible and liturgical texts into this Old Slavic language. ;-)
Old Church Slavonic
Saint Peter Damian began being venerated immediately after his death, but this process was never formally applied to him -- since it didn't exist until one hundred years after his death.
On January 18th, a now-suppressed feast celebrated the Chair of Saint Peter in Rome. The February 22nd feast celebrates the Chair of this other pentarchical city.
St. Gregory's feast day is celebrated on this day. It is usually the next to last day of the month. Usually.
27 February
In 1915, Saint Katherine Drexel founded Xavier University of Louisiana, a historically Black Catholic university in this city.
New Orleans
Sts. Cyril and Methodius celebrate their feast day on the same day as this saint who is invoked against epilepsy.
Saint Valentine
Saint Peter Damian was made a Doctor of the Church on 27 September 1828 by this leonine pope.
The original relic has metal rings attached to each side, allowing use as one of these.
Sedia gestatoria
A chapel-mausoleum was built on St. Gregory's tomb, which survived until the mid-20th century, when the monastery, abandoned in the aftermath of the Armenian genocide, was destroyed by authorities from this country, and later replaced with a mosque.
In 1886, during an audience with this leonine pope, she was urged to become a missionary instead of just a philanthropist.