She helps Ms. Buskey teach on the Smartboard
She put her hands on her hips a lot.
Kind of like follow the leader
Simon Says
Green and wobbly
Hokki Stool
Instread of being weak, always be...
Strong like bull!
He's blue.
The smurf!
She had no clue that there was a war happening.
One game that was banned because no one really froze
Wax Museum
Sadly, one of these popped.
Yoga ball chair
When we needed a break, we took a...
Has a lot of energy.
Newton's Cradle
Her favorite candy was Tootsie Rolls.
A term used when playing cards is the name of this game
Poker face
You might use one to help you sit on the sand this summer.
Beach chair
How we kept track of our reading...
Status of the Class
It's red and has a bad attitude.
No button
This character thinks he's pretty great!
A stinky game you played with Mrs. Youd
The Shoe Game
Also a word for a musical instrument.
Accordian Stools
Even thought only one boy/girl was allowed in bathroom, too many magnets were put up on this
GPS board
Total number of desks in the room.
He's not the smartest cat in the liter box.
This math game is named after a farm animal
What color is the one seat from Ikea?
Number of people with cubbies and number of people with desks.
14 cubby people
8 desk people