Research Methods
Genes and Environment
Prenatal Development
Physical Development
Cognitive Development and Intelligence

This type of research can detect cohort effects



This term describes the interplay between genetics and outside influences, shaping a child's growth and development.

Nature and Nurture


In what stage of delivery is the baby born?

The second stage


Caroline, a four-year-old attending preschool regularly, faces difficulties gripping pencils according to her teacher's feedback to her parents. While her classmates can handle pencils, crayons, and markers, Caroline continues to struggle with this skill. What specific motor abilities does Caroline need to improve?

Fine motor skills


 In Piaget's theory of cognitive development, in what stage do infants explore the world through their senses and motor activities?

Sensorimotor Stage


True or False: For research to be reliable it has to be valid.



In a study of identical twins raised apart, one in a high socioeconomic status town and the other in a lower socioeconomic area, they displayed similar personalities but pursued different careers. Which factor—environment or genetics—might have influenced their divergent career paths despite their shared personalities? Why?

Environment. In a high socioeconomic status neighborhood, the child most likely has access to more resources.


What is the a structure connected to the uterus that provides nourishment and oxygen from the mother to the developing embryo via the umbilical cord?



James, who is a hearing child, exclusively experiences sign language from birth. He attends a child-care center while his parents work out and they communicated to the mom and dad that he is having a hard time verbalizing his emotions. Is this example of experience- expectant or experience -dependent plasticity?

Expectant - we are expected to be exposed to language


This type of motivation comes from within, driven by personal interest, enjoyment, or a sense of satisfaction

Intrinsic motivation


Jackson is researching how intelligence and age interact. He is collecting his data all at the same time and using a group of 20 year olds, 40 year olds, and 60 year olds. What type of design is this?

Cross-sectional research


What term describes the wide range of potential outcomes within a shared genetic framework, where children with identical genetic potentials can exhibit diverse developmental paths influenced by environmental factors?

Range of Reaction


What are the factors that can contribute to birth defects which include some maternal diseases, drugs, alcohol, and stress



In the context of neural development, what process involves the formation of a fatty layer around nerve fibers, enhancing the speed of electrical impulses and contributing to the refinement of motor skills?



In Piaget's theory of cognitive development, this term refers to the process of adjusting existing mental frameworks to incorporate new information or experiences.



In a positive correlation, as one variable increases, what happens to the other variable?

It also increases


If a child's ability to walk or grasp objects shows remarkable uniformity regardless of environmental factors or minor variations in practice, what kind of canalization does it demonstrate?

Deep canalization


What period is considered the critical period?



____ is the interaction of information with the sensory receptors, while ____ is the process of interpreting what is sensed. 

sensation; perception


In this paradigm, infants have a tendency to look longer at impossible events than possible events.

Violation of Expectancy Paradigm


What type of research typically starts with a focused research question or hypothesis, collects a small amount of data from each of a large number of individuals, describes the resulting data using statistical techniques, and draws general conclusions about some large population?

Quantitative research


A child inherits genes associated with a predisposition for athleticism. The parents, who are both athletes, encourage the child to participate in a variety of sports activities from a young age, fostering skill development and passion for physical activities. What type of gene-environment interaction is this?



List three of the 5 measures the APGAR scale assesses? Use the correct words from the acronym


Pulse/heart rate

Grimace/reflexive response to stimuli 

Activity/muscle tone



What concept in neurobiology refers to the brain's ability to reorganize itself, adapt, and form new neural connections in response to experiences and environmental stimuli, playing a crucial role in learning and skill acquisition?



What information processing theory states that children have multiple strategies at any given time to solve problems?

Overlapping-Waves Theory