Personal Banker
Fee Refunds
Bonus Category

At what dollar amount does a cash exchange for a customer require a CTR?



What is the cut off time to send a domestic wire? 

3:00pm MST


Large Deposits are separated for review at what dollar amount? 



What is the fee for an overdraft?



Where can you find account interest rates to print for a customer? 

New Accounts- Disclosures

The Cube, Products and Services, Rates and Fees


At what amount are you required to file a CTR for a cash deposit or withdrawal.



What are the fees for both a domestic wire and foreign wire?



What is the limit for a non-customer cash advance? At what dollar amount would you get approval from a supervisor?

5k limit for non-customers, need approval for anything over 1k.


What are 2 things you might suggest to a repeat overdraft customer to help avoid fees in the future?  

Cash Reserve

Linked Accounts

Online Banking Alerts

Opt Out of OD services


What are the High Rish Verification steps

1. Customer should read the 6-digit CID Code 

if unable

2. Call back at phone number on file or ask OOW questions 


What is the maximum amount of cash can we exchange for a non-customer?


True or False: If the sender does not know the beneficiaries address, you can put "unknown" in this field
False: A physical address is required for the beneficiary to send the wire

If a customer would like to know their balance but forgot their ID at home, how would you identify them? 

Verbal password (written down) OR MMN and Date and Amount of their last deposit. 


What is the max refund that can be processed by a branch employee at the Representative level?  



What does "COOL" stand for?

Check - check all host warnings, account/customer memos

Open - Open date (most fraud occurs in first 90 days)

Origin of Funds - Where is the check coming from? Red flags, utilize aware

Logical - Does it make sense?


Ally, an employee at a small pet store deposits $3500 cash into her personal account and $6500 cash into the store's account. What action is required?

No action is required


What does a customer need to complete a wire over the phone? what approval is required?

Telephone wire agreement, approval from an officer.

A customer wants to apply for a credit card, what would you provide to the customer? Once completed and returned, where do you send the application?

A credit card application and the agreement disclosure.

CAL Dept


How do you complete a fee refund in Firstview? What information is needed?

Within "fees" tab select refund and fee type. Then select the reason "other" and explain the reason for the refund. Should not use the reason "courtesty."


Special handling items being picked up by someone who is not a signer require what approval?

Assistant Supervisor or higher 


What is an MIL and at what dollar amount is an MIL completed? Assume that Checkpartner is unavailable.

3-10k cash purchase of a monetary instrument. i.e. cashier's check.


What questions do we need to ask our customer to acknowledge on the wire order form to prevent wire fraud?

1. Were instructions received via email? 2. Did they verify the instructions by calling a trusted phone number? 3. Verified the email wasn't changed/altered 4. Is the beneficiary different than who they were meaning to pay? 


What disclosures/documents are provided to someone inquiring about a new account? 

Fee schedule, Interest Rate Sheet, Brochure, Bonus disclosure ($300 promo, bloom)


A customer is upset about the $20 monthly service charge for their Premier Checking. They recently started working part time and their direct deposit is sometimes less than 1k a month. What account type would you suggest to our customer to avoid a service fee and why?

Bloom or Anywhere because the minimum direct deposit is $500 a month versus $1000


Walk us through a safe deposit box entry 

1. ask name and box number

2. customer signs entry card 

3. verify sig matches specimen at the top or identify with ID or info from contract, DOB, MMN, SSN

4. Attendant initial, date, time the entry in

5. grab keys and open box, lock open, return customer key

6. Bring box to cubby and step out while the customer accesses box

7. Put box back, grab customer key, lock closed, return customer key

8. attendant initial, date, and time exit

9.Escort customer out