Fridge Facts
Cooking Care
Kitchen Safety

What is the most important Hygiene rule?

What is Hand Washing


What temperature(s) are recommended for FREEZING foods?

What is 0 degrees


Which food should you always keep separate to avoid cross-contamination? BONUS:Why would you use a different cutting board for meat(s) and vegetables?

a) Fresh vegetables and raw meat

b) Cooked meat and vegetables

What is Fresh vegetables and raw meats


What is Cross-Contamination


What would you use to clean a liquid spill on the floor?

What is a mop

What should the temperature of the water be when you wash your hands?

What is WARM water


What temperature(s) are recommended for REFRIGERATING foods?

What is 40 degrees or below


You left cooked food out on the counter for 8 hours, what should you do?

a) cook the food for an additional 30 minutes,

b) Eat the food

c) Throw the food away

What is throw the food away


What should you use to prevent getting burned?

What is a pot holder or oven mitt

Before handling food, you should wash your hands for a minimum of how many seconds?

What is 20 seconds


When thawing meat in the refrigerator place it on a plate on the __________ shelf. 

What is bottom 

Licking raw cookie dough off the mixing spoon or eating raw eggs could cause this foodborne illness.

What is Salmonellosis.


Why should you not run or fool around in the kitchen? (List 2)

What is you could get cut, burned, slip and fall


When should you wash your hands? (List 3) 

What is before and after handling food, after going to the bathroom, handling pets, money, etc. 


When packing food for lunch or a picnic, refrigerated food will be safe for several hours if: a) the food is in a backpack, b) a special ice pack is included, c) the food was cooked

What is b) a special ice pack is included


What should be the minimum internal temperature of a hamburger that has been safely cooked? 

What is 160 degrees F


Why should you be careful when removing a lid off a pot?

What is you could get a steam burn

Define Cross-Contamination

What is when bacteria spreads from one food to another


Why are temperatures between 40 and 140 degrees F called the "danger zone"?

What is bacteria will multiply rapidly and the food will become unsafe to eat. 


The rules of food safety are _________, ___________, ___________, and ________.

a) Clean, combat cross-contamination, cook, and chill

b) clean, cut, cook, and chill

c) combat cross-contamination, cook, chill, and cut

d) clean, separate, cook, and chill

What is Clean, Separate, Cook, and Chill
What first aide should you do if you burn yourself?

What is run the burn under cool or lukewarm water