Why is 6 afraid of 7?
Because seven ate nine
What is the sum of 1+2+3+4+5
What elements chemical symbol of iron.
I have a neck but no head, an arm but not a hand, what am I?
a t-shirt
How many eyes does a honey bee have?
What english word follows the following:
the first two letters make a man
the first three letters make a women
the first 4 letter make a great man
and the whole word makes a great women
What is multiplication in terms of addition?
repeated addition
What element number is calcium?
Why can't your hear the pee of a pterodactyl?
It has a silent p.
What organ named itself?
the brain
What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?
A river
How many factors does the number 7 have?
What is the boiling point of water in farenheit?
What has a hands and a face but no eyes?
A clock
How long does the average tortoise live (plus or minus 10 years)?
80 to 150 years
A famous chemist was found murdered in his laboratory. The police knew that two people were involved in his murder and there were 5 suspects named Join, Bob, Felice, Nicolas and Joshua. Police also found a note which was written by the chemist. In the note, there were written some numbers “26-3-58 / 28-27-57-16”. After reading the numbers, Police immediately found the murderers. Who are the murderers?
Felice and Nicholas
What is 2^10 times 5^11
What is the freezing point of water in farenhiet?
I have a head but no eyes, a face but no nose, and a tail but no legs.
A coin
When is the next olympics? does not include this year
What when turned on its side means everything, but when cut in half means nothing?
What is 5 choose 2?
What is the first element of the periodic table?
What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?
Where will the next olympic occur?
Los Angelos