This artist has three cats and eleven albums
Taylor Swift
Ally’s favorite breed but just so you know that doesn’t mean she favors cats
Tuxedo or black and white cat
with the engine running just you and me
Miles on it
kane brown
427,736,887,980 + 20
Finish the lyrics
Im wearing …
Tennesse orange for you
for you is optional
This artist has albums with math album covers
Ed Sheeran
Jacks favorite cat’s breed
Tabby cat
If you want forever and if that’s true
sabrina carpenter
/ means fraction
63/48 or 1 15/48
Name the european football player
This artist‘s albums are a trilogy of a charector starting as a child hen in her teens at school then death and the world beyond
Melanie Martinez
A cat with Scottish in the name
Scottish shorthair
Spell my name on a fridge now
Alphabet boy
melanie martinez
Name that food by the horrible description
typycally made with living bacteria and very popular
yeast is the bacteria
This artist has a Dunkin’s drink
Sabrina Carpenter
A cheetah like pattern
I cry a lot but I am so productive it’s an art
I can do it with a broken heart
taylor swift
6(5y-6x) + 2y + 8x
37y - 44x
Name the princess movie
lamp and Tiger
This artist has a hit song about a truck bed
The scary one
not to me
Black cat
Cause just like that life rearranges life changes out of the blue
One beer
guess the charector by emoji
Angel from buffy