material inserted into the printer and melted down to create the model.
What is Filament
heated surface on which the 3d model is adhered to and built
What is a Build Plate
you can also use this to print with the 3D printer
What is Chocolate
both 3d printer and coil sculpting use this process when printing to make their prints tall.
What are layers
Rolling clay into coils and stacking them to build shapes.
What is coil sculpting?
computer screen that lets you customize settings and start your print.
What is a Control Panel/Screen
referring to a 2D design that will eventually be built and assembled in 3D. More “technical” than 3D modeling.
What is Computer Aided Design
measurements in width, length, height, and sometimes depth
What are Dimensions
this is the first layer of a coil sculpture and 3D printing called
What is a base layer
This is a long, snake-like pieces of clay used in coil sculpting
What is a coil?
one thing you should never do near a 3D printer
what is touch the hot parts?
the process of turning a 3D model into thin layers for printing
What is Slicing
using a computer to create a 3D representation of any object or surface
What is 3D design
this the name of the axis that goes front and back
What is y-axis
Roll out a flat piece of clay for the base layer.
What is the first step in coil sculpting?
machinery inside the print head that processes and melts the filament
What is an Extruder
these are the part of a 3D printer that can get very hot
What is hotend/nozzle/print bed
3d printers have been used in space to print these
What are tools
If you move an object up, you are using this axis
What is z-axis
you can use these to color you clay art
What are acrylic paints or markers?
the long string of plastic called that a 3D printer uses
What is filament
Extra material used to hold up overhanging parts during sculpting or 3D printing.
What is Support
A single level or sheet of material. In coil sculpting, we stack layers of clay to create 3D objects.
What is Layer
this is the name of the axis that goes left and right
What is x-axis
This is how long it takes to dry the clay creations
What is about 1 day?