Ages & Stages
Entertaining Children
Babysitting Basics
Business of Babysitting

This person should be consulted about child's allergies, routines, who to contact in case of emergency, and other important information.

Who are the parents/guardians? 


This age group will require you to tune into their needs and make accurate guesses about how to care for them.

What is infants?


This is a type of play that includes push and pull toys, wheel toys, and sport items.

What is active play?


This is the main responsibility of a babysitter. 

What is safety of children?


This is a reason not to babysit due to your health.

What is sickness? 


This service should be contacted if a child swallows an unknown substance.

What is poison control?


This age group should express their feelings via words rather than hitting or grabbing. They should be kind to one another and may need help modeling good choices.

What is two year olds? 


This age group enjoys playing house, store or school.

What is three to four year olds?


When cooking, pot and pan handles should face which direction? 

What is back or out of reach of the children?


This tool should be used to keep track of when and where you are babysitting.

What is a calendar? 


While sleeping children should be checked on how frequently? 

What is every 15 minutes?


This age group can help with tasks and follow short and simple directions. The likely need ideas for a variety of activities. 

What is school-age?


Play is fun, but it also helps with this important growth component. 

What is brain development? 


Trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship are examples of this.

What is a person of character?


This is determined by asking current babysitters and other parents what they pay.

What is fair rate?


Always write down this location device first thing when arriving at the babysitting location in case of emergency.

What is the address? 


This could be a good strategy to use to learn more about the children's routines and needs.

What is spending time with the family before the babysitting date?


To prevent scratches and injuries, toys should be inspected for what things? 

What is sharp points, jagged edges or rough surfaces. 


This resource is helpful for up to date first aid information. 

What is the American Red Cross? 


It is good to advertise your babysitting services; however, you should never advertise in this location.

What is the internet or public places?


Not leaving small items around and encouraging children to eat slowly are methods to prevent what? 

What is choking?


This age group tells stories, feeds themselves, needs rest periods and can build block towers.

What is preschool age kids? 


This age group may need less direct entertainment.

What is five to seven year olds?


A nutritious snack takes into consideration all the components of what tool? 

What is food pyramid or MyPlate?


This is the best way to advertise your babysitting services.

What is word of mouth?