Group 6

What is black and has horns and is super healthy and eats greens and can't see well ?

Did you get black Rhino? If you did good job.


how are black rhino endangered?

, a black rhino’s horn is used as a medicine in Asia as a tradition and cut as a decoration and the amount of rhinos left are 28,00 in 2025. Sadly now there are 2 types of rhinos in the world which are northern white rhinos.what started the black rhino’s to be endangered is habitat loss.this happened since 2022. Black rhinos are critically endangered because of a order of their horns.


What's the solution for not killing Black rhinos?

The solution is that we don't kill or hunt black rhinos for decoration. 


How should we keep the amur leopard safe?

we should put a sign  that says no hunting.


A big gray fat animal with horns with a trunk what is it ?

African forest elephant.


Why are african forest elephants endangered?

The solution is that you should stop killing the elephants because that is animal abuse and taking their tusks to hang it on the wall that's wrong we are taking lives  for a wall and museums that's wrong we can't do that.  


Why does the rain forest rain?

Because the trees there don't die in the rainforest.


Why should people stop cutting trees?

People should stop cutting trees because orangutans live in the trees so they will be extinct.


People destroy leopards shelter so what do you think we should do?

In russia and china they are creating a protected area for leapord


 I am animal and i live in many places what am i.

 A  tiger lives in many different kind of habitats a  rain forest a savana  and grasslands.


Why is the tiger is endangered

The tiger is endangered because there habitat is getting destroyd by human


Why are tigers being endangered?

Tigers are being endangered

Because people tear down there

Habitat. And they kill alot of tigers

There are only 5547 left.People need to work harder so tigers

Don’t get extinct.


Why do people chop trees in the forest?.

If people didnt chop trees people can breathe


I weigh more than 200kg and i stand as a average human who am i?

I am a Gorilla


 I am a rare virus that causes death to gorillas  and it starts with an e

Ebola virus


How do you protect something strong

To stop killing so strong and harmful creaters.



How should we help the amur leopard to be safe and not endanger?

The solution is to not break down the amur leopard’s home.And to make them homes and to protect them.We are supposed to give them food and water because they don't die.