Starting temp is 1 C
Final temp is 2 C
Mass is 10 G
What is 10 Cal
If I have an 123456789 C lava and a 2 C human how would the NRG transfer
From the lava to the human
Average kinetic NRG in a substance
How many kids are in this class
Start temp is 340 C
Final temp is 360 C
Mass is 100 G
What is 2000 Cal
transfer of heat through matter by tranfer of kinetic energy
supercalifragilisticexpialidocious meaning
extraordinarily good; wonderful.
Starting temp is 206 C
Final temp is 208 C
Mass is 238 G
What is 476 G
Conservation of energy
No energy is lost or created
Highest grossing movie 2024
Inside out 2
Starting temp is 964 C
Final temp is 345 C
Mass is 10 G
What is 6190 Cal.
lessening in volume through force
What is the most popular sport in the world.
starting temp is 56 C
Final temp is 83 C
Mass is 2345 G
What is the cal.
What is 63315 Cal
We have a 32 F human and a 273.14 K sigma hugging.
Where would NRG transfer
From the Human to the sigma.
a substance which does not readily allow the passage of heat
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