The First Woman
First black president of the USA
Barack Obama
The white father of rap
Jack from Titanic
Leonardo Dicaprio
He wrote one of the most romantic love stories around the world which is Romeo and Juliette
William Shakespeare
She is the first woman who got a Nobel Prize
Marie Curie
This man discovered the gravity
Isaac Newton
The winners of Eurovision song Contest from Azerbaijan
Eldar and Nigar
Mr. And Mrs.Smith
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie
Azerbaijani writer who wrote these lines:
" İblis nədir?
– Cümlə xəyanətlərə bais...
Ya hər kəsə xain olan insan nədir?
– İblis...
Huseyn Cavid
This magnificent and strong woman lived and ruled ancient Egypt
He started the second World War and sent millions of people to death
Adolf Hitler
She is an extra ordinary singer who wears strange clothes and she is an Italian American.
Lady Gaga
Each New Year we watch this movie where a boy stays home alone
Macaulay Culkin
He is a very famous Russian writer who wrote "Crime and Punishment "
Fyodor Mikhailovic Dostoyevski
She is the first female prime minister of England.
Margaret Thatcher
His followers and even close friend named Brutus stabed him from the back by a knife
Julius Caesar
Famous Azerbaijani jazz musician
Vaqif Mustafazadeh
He is Michael Corleone from God Father
Al Pacino
This famous female writer is called the mother of detective genre
Agatha Christie
She is the first female opera composer in the East
Shakira Akhundova
He is a world wide mugham singer around the world whose voice is incredible
Alim Gasumov
This famous Italian opera singer had an incredible voice. His name starts with P..
He is Captain Jack Sparrow from The Pirates of Caribbean
Johnny Depp
The writer of famous "Lord of the Rings"
John Ronald Reuel Talkien