This term refers to the practice of wiping over socks instead of washing feet during Wudu.
What is Masah over Khuffain?
Before wearing socks for Masah, a person must perform this act in which the feet are washed.
What is Wudu?
This is the time a resident’s Mas-h expires if performed at 7:00 AM on Monday.
What is 7:00 AM on Tuesday?
During Mas-h, the socks are wiped with wet hands on this part of the socks.
What is the upper surface?
In Arabic, this word refers to leather socks worn for the purpose of wiping over them in Wudu.
What is Khuffain?
The duration for wiping over Khuffain is this long for a resident and this long for a traveler, starting from the time when this occurs.
What is 24 hours for a resident and 72 hours for a traveler, from the time Wudu is broken?
A traveler performs Mas-h at 9:30 PM on Friday. This is the day and time when his Mas-h becomes invalid.
What is 9:30 PM on Monday?
This is the proper method for performing Masah over a bandage or cast during Wudu.
What is wiping the entire surface of the bandage or cast with a wet hand?
This Arabic word means an easier option is given in Islam when the strict rule would be too difficult to follow.
What is rukhsah?
To be eligible for Mas-h, the socks must meet these three conditions.
What are not having big holes, being clean, and covering the ankles?
A student performs Wudu at 6:00 AM, puts on his socks at 7:00 AM, and later does Mas-h at 12:00 PM. Since the Mas-h validity starts when he puts on his socks, his Mas-h becomes invalid at this time
What is 12:00 PM the next day?
Before wearing socks for Masah, a person must perform this act, in which these body parts are washed.
What is Wudu, in which the feet are washed?
This narration is not a hadith, but a saying attributed to one of the Prophet Muhammad's Companions.
What is an athar?
Wiping over a bandage/cast is allowed only if a person is unable to do this
What is remove it without harm or excessive difficulty?
A resident wiped over her khuff at 10 AM on Friday, the 1st of December. Can she wipe over the khuff at 11 AM on Saturday, the 2nd of December?
What is no, because the time limit for a resident is 24 hours and it has passed?
This person said, "This religion is not based on opinions," emphasizing that Islam is based on divine guidance.
Who is Ali ibn Abi Talib?
This group of people passes on the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) and is important for verifying the authenticity of the traditions.
What is the chain of narrators?
The time limit for wiping over a bandage or cast lasts for this duration.
What is as long as the injury requires it?
A traveler wiped over his cast at 5 PM on Tuesday, the 3rd of December, and the cast cannot be removed. Can he wipe over the cast at 6 PM on Friday, the 6th of December?
What is yes, because the time limit for wiping over a cast is not fixed and can be done as long as the cast cannot be removed or causes harm to remove?
Three key differences between Mas-h over Khuffain and Mas-h over a bandage.
What is that Masah over Khuffain has a time limit (24 hours for residents, 72 hours for travelers), requires wearing the socks after Wudu, and only the upper part is wiped, while Masah over a bandage has no time limit, can be done even if Wudu wasn't performed before the bandage was applied, and involves wiping the entire bandage or cast.