Every morning when you come into the classroom, you will know what you need to do by reading this.
The Morning Message
When you have a question, you should do this to receive the answer.
raise your hand.
You forgot your homework.
Fill out a missing HW slip. Complete the homework during recess.
You receive this number of warnings before silent lunch.
You know it's your turn to share/talk when you have this.
The red ball.
This is the first thing that happens every day when Bear time begins.
Planner check by Ms. Lechner
It is expected that you have this out on your desk every morning to be checked by Ms. Lechner.
Your homework.
You don't know what the homework is.
Look on the Homework Board.
You will receive a warning when you do these things.
call out during a lesson, interrupt during a lesson, distract others from learning.
A proper handshake should look like this.
eye contact, a greeting, firm grip (not hurting the other)
When you hear Ms. Lechner ring the chime in the morning, you should immediately do what?
Clear your desk, push in your chair, sit quietly in a circle on the carpet for morning meeting.
When you hear the chime or Ms. Lechner getting the classes attention, you should immediately do what?
Stop what you're doing, look at Ms. Lechner and listen for directions.
You were talking and missed directions on what to do. What 2 things can you do?
Ask a classmate or look around and see what others are doing.
You can earn your house points by doing these kinds of things.
Doing acts of kindness, setting a good example, persevering through a tough problem and not giving up.
The number of people that are able to be at the SmartBoard answering the question at one time.
The 4 signals Ms. Lechner will use to get the classes attention.
ring the chime, count down from 5, SHARK BAIT, list out several commands to do.
You sharpen your pencils and use the bathroom during these times of the day.
Before Morning Meeting, in between classes, during recess, during Bear/dismissal.
If you're finished with an activity or test early, you may do one of these things.
Read independently, work in Classwork Folder, finish morning work.
The winner of the classroom competition is awarded this at the end of the day.
5 minutes of choice time.
I can show Ms. Lechner and my classmates that I am ready to begin morning meeting by doing what.
Seated in the circle with my legs crossed, hands in lap, voice off.
During Bear time, you should do this after Ms. Lechner checks your planner.
Read independently.
When an adult tells you to do something, it is expected that you do what?
Do exactly what they told you to do.
When a classmate is talking to you during a lesson, you should do this.
Ignore them. Raise your hand and tell Ms. Lechner.
The whole class is on task. Class followed directions the first time.
You need to do this if you have a question, or would like to speak during morning meeting.
Raise your hand.