How did God appear to Moses?
The Burning Bush
Why did Pharoah let the Israelites leave?
His son died because he didn't listen to Moses.
Who does God provide His grace to?
Anyone who calls upon Him
What happened to the man without wedding garments in the parable of the wedding?
He was cast out.
The Bible is divided into two main sections. What are they?
The Old and New Testaments
Why did God say to take off his shoes?
Because it was holy ground that he was standing on.
What were the instructions given to the Jews for Passover?
Sacrifice the best lamb and smear its blood on the doorway
What was the point of God being so specific with the instructions concerning the manna?
To show how much the Israelites trust Him and His provision in His timing & way
What does it take for an Olympian to get to the Olympics?
Know that this is what you want to do and that you cannot rely on anyone else to do it for you.
What is the animal Jesus rode into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday?
A donkey.
In which verse does God refer to Himself as "I AM"?
Exodus 3:14
Why did the Jews offer a sacrifice on Passover?
To protect their firstborn sons from death.
What does God do when we separate ourselves from Him?
He patiently waits for us to come back to Him over and over
Who is it up to, to keep a strong relationship with God?
Who said "Let my people go"?
When do we take our shoes off during church?
Communion time
What is a redeemer?
Someone who repays, recovers, saves, or exchanges.
What is Grace?
It means getting something without doing anything to earn it.
What does it mean to wear the "wedding garments" provided by the God?
We have to look like His people to be recognized by Him
What is the shortest verse in the Bible?
Jesus wept.
What did God mean by calling Himself "I AM"?
He is everything we need Him to be for any situation we need Him for.
How was the Passover fulfilled by Christ?
His death was fulfillment of the Passover meal & delivery from the world of sin.
How did God provide water for the Israelites when the river they were near had bitter and bad water?
He showed Moses a stick and told him to throw it in the water.
What does the parable of the 10 virgins represent?
The Judgement Day
How many plagues struck Egypt before Pharaoh let the Israelites go?