What voice level should you use in the library?
Level 0 (no talking) when Mrs. Smith or your teacher are talking. Level 1 or 2 (whisper/inside voice) when you can talk to each other.
What do you do if you're not finished with your book by the time it is due?
Keep it until you are done reading it
Do you throw, rip, stomp on, draw on, eat on, drink around library books?
What are the two main types of books in our library?
Fiction and Non-Fiction
Where do I find Dogman books?
Under GN F PIL - for graphic novels, fiction, Pilkey (the author's last name)
How many books can you check out?
1 or 2 books (maybe even 3!) IF you turn your old books back in
What do you do when you come in the library with your class?
Put your book in the book drop and either sit in the reading area or at your assigned seat at the tables.
Where do you keep your hands when you are sitting on the floor or the tables?
In your lap or calmly on the table
Do we have leveled books in our library?
No. All books are only in ABC and number order
When searching for a book to check out, what should you use in place of the book on the shelf?
A Shelf Marker
How do you sit on the floor?
All the way flat on the floor, with your legs tucked beside or in front of you (criss cross applesauce or mermaid)
Where do I check out my library books?
At the computer on the circulation desk. Depending on your grade, you may have Mrs. Smith do this for you.
What do I do if I have lost a book?
Come talk to Mrs. Smith
Where can I find new books?
On top of the shelves
When is the library open to students?
During our class library time and sometimes during breaks.
What kind of feet should you have in the library?
Walking feet
Can I get books out of the book drop when we are checking out books?
Yes, but make sure you ask Mrs. Smith first. We have to make sure it is checked in properly.
What do you do when you get up from the tables?
Push your chair in
What section in the library has books about real people and their lives.
The biography section
What should I not be doing in the library?
Eating, drinking, running, yelling, throwing things, being disrespectful to others, sitting on tops of tables, leaning back in your chair
Where do I put books that I pull off the shelf and decide I don't want?
On the cart - try to separate fiction and non-fiction for easier reshelving.
What button do you click when you are done checking out your books?
Select Patron
How do you sit in the chairs at the tables?
All four chair legs on the floor
What is the name of the system we use to organize the non-fiction books in the library?
The Dewey Decimal System
What is Mrs. Smith's favourite animal?
The panda!