What kind of voice should you use in the library?
A quiet inside voice.
What do you do if you're not finished with your book by the time it is due?
Renew it
How do I check out or return my library books?
Bring the books to the circulation desk.
What are the two main types of books in our library?
Fiction and Non-Fiction
What are the three R's of the library?
Respect, Responsibility, and Return.
When can I get a new Library book?
During Your Class Library Day
How long do you get to keep your books?
2 weeks
How many legs should be on the floor?
How can I tell if a book is my reading level?
Open the book and read the first 3 sentences.
When searching for a book to check out, what should you use in place of the book on the shelf?
A Shelf Marker
How should you walk when in the library?
What should I do once I am finished checking out?
Sit back at your seat and read quietly or continue with the library activity.
What do I do if I have an overdue book?
Renew or return it
Where can I find new books?
In the Book Flix section
When is the library open to students?
During our class library hour or during open flex times
Where do you go once you have entered the library?
To your seat
Where do I put books if I don't know where they belong?
In the book return box
What do I do if I have lost a book?
Tell Mrs. Savage
This is the section in the library with books about real people's lives.
What is the biography section?
What should I not be doing in the library?
Eating, drinking, running, yelling, throwing things, being disrespectful to others, sitting on tops of tables, leaning back in your chair
How many books can you have checked out?
What is Seasonal Reads used for?
Where you can find seasonal books like Halloween or Christmas
Where can I find books about real-life things?
In the Non-Fiction section
What is the name of the system we use to organize the books in the library?
Dewey Decimal System
Where would I find a book about Star Wars at?
In the Series / Collections section