Rule # 1
Follow directions quickly
Where can you find an extra pencil?
In the work zone area
What is the first thing that you do when entering the classroom in the morning?
Hang your backpack
What is the name of the student to your right?
Rule #2
What should go into your cubby each morning?
Chromebooks and lunch boxes
How do we line up for lunch?
push in your chairs
walk quietly to the line
stand in line quietly
What is the name of the student to your left?
Rule # 3
Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat
Where can you go to calm down
The calm down area
show 2 ways to stand in line
Find a friend and high five them
Rule #4 and #5
Rule #4: Make smart choices
Rule # 5: Keep our dear community happy
Point to the water station
Explain the voice levels
1- spy talk- whisper
2- low flow- group walk
3-normal voice
Share something that you did yesterday
Diamond Rule
Keep your eyes on the target
Explain how we should enter the classroom after lunch.
Enter quietly
To your seats
Heads down
Name 5 classmates