Who ate Jonah?
What is the name of the first fruit?
What does the communion represent in our Christianity?
The bread is the Jesus bodu
And the grape juice is Jesus’s blood
Mention a name of a man in the Bible who had to gather all the animals and birds and all god’s creation and put them into an ark
Fill in the blank
We believe in one God, God the Father, the ………………
How many days did Jonah stayed inside the whale?
How we can show love to other people?
To sacrifice and love my neighbor, my sister, my brother more than myself. As Jesus did to us.
What should we do when the priest passes by with the censer?
What day did Jesus die on the cross?
Who wrote the Coptic orthodox creed?
St. Athanasius
What is the name of the city that Jonah was supposed to go and visit the people there?
What is the different between patience and peace?
Patience means to be able to wait and trust god’s timing
Peace means to have the ability to be calm and not being mad or upset
Mention one shape in which a church can be built?
Ark / cross/ circle
How many disciples did Jesus had?
What is The Coptic Orthodox Creed?
The Creed is a prayer written by St. Athanasius the Apostolic and other Coptic Orthodox fathers that summarizes our faith. We pray it often to defend, declare, and teach our Coptic Orthodox faith.
Two things that Jonah and Nineveh’s people did during the three day
Praying and fasting
How old was Abraham when he finally had a child?
99 years old
How many chains are in the censer and what they are representing?
Three chains
The father, the son and the Holy Spirit
Mention one miracle did Jesus did
5 bread/ 2 fishes……………
When do we pray The Coptic Orthodox Creed?
We pray the Orthodox Creed in the first and twelfth hours of the Agpeya
Can we eat fish during Jonah’s fasting
What the Samaritan man did when he saw an injured guy who was Jewish on his way?
He took care of the Jewish guy until he felt better
What is the name of two instruments that the shamas use it during the hymns?
Trianto and daph
How old was Jesus when he started to do miracles?
Yes we believe in the………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………prophets.
Yes, we believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Giver of Life, Who proceeds from the Father, Who with the Father and the Son, is worshipped and glorified, Who spoke by the prophets.