The Ocean

A school of 156 fish was swimming near a coral reef. Another group of 89 fish joined them. How many fish are now swimming together?

what is 245 fish


Tommy collected 195 football cards. His friend gave him 19 more cards for his birthday. About how many football cards does Tommy have now?

What is about 220 cards


Lily has 112 lollipops in her candy jar. Her grandmother gives her 18 more lollipops. How many lollipops does Lily have now?

what is 130


Goofy is selling ice cream cones at Disneyland. He starts the day with 350 cones. At the end of the day, he has 88 cones left. How many ice cream cones did Goofy sell?

What is 262 ice cream cones were sold.

Sarah collected 44 seashells at the beach. She gave some to her friend and now has 8 seashells left. How many seashells did Sarah give to her friend?

What is 36 seashells


Tommy is collecting football cards. He already has 117 cards in his collection. His goal is to have 330 cards by the end of the month. How many more football cards does Tommy need to collect to reach his goal?

What is 213 cards


The school bake sale had 139 cupcakes left at the end of the day. A kind parent donated 24 more cupcakes for tomorrow's sale. How many cupcakes will they have for tomorrow's bake sale?

what is 163


Moana is collecting coconuts on her island. She gathered 42 coconuts but used some to make coconut milk. Now she has 14 coconuts left. How many coconuts did Moana use for the milk?

What is 28 coconuts.


Lily is building a sandcastle and needs 30 seashells to decorate it. She already collected some shells yesterday. Today, she found 12 more shells and now has enough for her castle. How many seashells did Lily collect yesterday?

what is 18 sealshells


The football stadium can seat 350 people. If 287 tickets have been sold for the big game, how many seats are still available?

what is 63 seats


The local ice cream shop sold 76 scoops of ice cream on Saturday. On Sunday, they sold 39 scoops in the morning and 54 scoops in the afternoon. About how many scoops of ice cream did they sell over the weekend?

What is about 170.


The information below shows the number of pictures taken with the Disney characters at Disney World. 

Elsa 154

Goofy 108

Cinderella 104

Mickey Mouse 182

What is the difference between the number of pictures taken with Mikey than with Goofy?

What is 74.


A group of 72 tourists signed up for a snorkeling trip. Unfortunately, 19 tourists had to cancel at the last minute. How many tourists went on the snorkeling trip?

what is 53 tourists


Jimmy is saving money to buy a new football jersey that costs 75 dollars. He already has 28 dollars saved. His grandmother gives him 15 dollars for his birthday. How much more money does Jimmy need to buy the jersey?

What is 32 dollars


A bakery made 92 cookies in the morning. They sold 47 cookies before noon and baked 63 more in the afternoon. About how many cookies does the bakery have at the end of the day?

What is about 100.


Mickey Mouse counted 342 visitors at the Magic Kingdom entrance in the morning. In the afternoon, more visitors arrived. Now there are 587 visitors. About how many visitors arrived in the afternoon?

What is about 300 visitors.


During a beach cleanup, Team Dolphin picked up 189 pieces of plastic and 67 pieces of paper. Team Turtle collected 105 pieces of trash. How many pieces of litter did the two teams remove from the beach?

what is 361


The Little Eagles football team had 167 fans at their first game. For their second game, 29 more fans showed up. However, 18 fans left early due to rain. How many fans were left watching the game?

Which equation can be used to find the number of fans were left watching the game?

a. 167-29+18=

b. 167+18+29=

c. 167+26-18=

d. 167+29-18

What is d. 167+29-18


A candy factory produced a total of 130 boxes of mints. On Monday they produced 85 boxes of mints. On Tuesday, they made some more boxes, and on Wednesday, they produced another 28 boxes. How many boxes did they make on Tuesday?

What is 17 boxes of mints. 


The Haunted Mansion ride had 189 people waiting in line. After some time, the line grew to 296 people. About how many more people joined the line.

What is about 100 people.