Classroom Rules
Classroom Procedures

What should you do when you want to talk in class?

Raise your hand at your seat

what should you do when you get inside our area?

sit at your assigned seat, pull out your homework, work quietly, whispering voices and let Ms.C know when you are done with homework.


if we see someone being mean to another student what should we do?

Tell Ms.C immediately to prevent anything from happening


How can we show respect to each other and Ms.C?

- being mindful of what you are saying and doing 

- ask before you do something 

- sitting in your seats and raising your hand 


What can you do when someone is being loud in your class?

you can say nicely "hey can you please whisper" 


How do we ask for help in class?

raising our hand at our seats and waiting patiently until Ms. C is available to help 


If someone is hurt what should we do? 

Let Ms. C know as soon as possible!


how can we be good listeners?

- sitting quietly in your seat 

- eye contact 

- sitting up straight in your seat


How can we respect each others things like crayons, books, and belongings?

asking before we grab something


How should we line up?

Wait until Ms. C asks you to line up, stay in your spot in line, walking quietly

Is it okay for someone to run around and talk super loud in our area? 

PLEASE NO!!! it will result in a parent phone call or possibly a write up 


what does having good manners look like?

- thank you 

- please

- i'm sorry

- listening to who's speaking 

- sharing 

- being patient 

- being kind 


Are we allowed to eat food in our area?

Only if Ms. C said that it's okay 


How should we behave at snack? 

walk in quietly, watch where your going, listen to what table we are going to eat at, sit at the table and eat your snack


are we allowed to leave without Ms. Cassandras permission? 

NO NOT EVER! I need to make sure you are safe, if we do not follow rules it can lead to a write up


when was a time you remember you showed respect to another person?

answers vary 


How can we respect our friends in our group?

Helping each other, giving each other words of encouragement, being nice, sharing


How do we line up to be picked up by Ms. C? 

walking to the line, no yelling, no running, no pushing, NO PLAYING WITH SPORTS EQUIPMENT 


should we talk back to Ms. C?

No, this is disrespectful and if it continues we will have a talk with parent. 


how does it feel to be respected?

answers vary