What is a small problem?
A problem you can solve on your own.
What is a rumor?
A story that might not be true.
What is bullying?
Hurting someone on purpose, over and over again, with our words or actions.
What does empathy mean?
Why are words powerful?
They can hurt or help others.
What is a big problem?
A problem that may need an adult's help to solve.
What should you do if you hear a rumor?
Don't spread it. Try to find out the truth.
What can you do if you see someone being bullied?
Tell a teacher or trusted adult.
How can you show empathy to a friend?
Listen to them and show you care.
What is one kind thing you can say to a classmate?
Example: "You did a great job!"
Give an example of a small problem.
Example: losing your pencil.
Why can rumors be harmful?
They can hurt people's reputation and feelings.
How can bullying make people feel?
Sad, scared, or lonely.
Why is empathy important?
It helps us be kind and supportive.
Why should we think before we speak?
Example: To make sure we don't hurt anyone's feelings.
Give an example of a big problem.
Example: feeling unsafe at school.
How can you stop a rumor?
Why is it important to stand up against bullying?
To make sure everyone feels safe.
What is one thing you can say to show empathy?
Example: "I understand how you feel."
How can you use words to help someone?
Example: Encourage them when they are feeling down.
How can you decide if a problem is small or big?
Think about if you can solve it yourself or if you need help.
Why is it important not to believe rumors?
They might not be true and can cause misunderstandings.
What is one way you can help stop bullying?
Be a friend to someone wo is being bullied, etc.
How can practicing empathy help our school?
Example: It makes our school a happier place.
What can you do if you accidentally hurt someone with your words?