Mixed Questions
Good test taking
Things to do with the test
Test vocab
Test Questions
The teacher told the students to stop CHATTERING so they could hear the video. What does CHATTERING probably mean? a. sleeping b. talking c. working d. typing
b. talking
What is the first thing you should do when you get a passage?
Read the title of the passage
How many times should you read the passage over?
Probably 2 times as necessary.
A different word for passage is?
Story or TEXT
If there are only 5 or 7 questions on the test, does this mean the test is super easy and will be over quickly?
NO!!!! This means you are expected to really THINK! It may mean the opinion essay or the explanatory essay will take you awhile.
Sometimes you will be asked to make an inference... This means you must take what the passage or author says, what you know and draw a _______________.
If the passage has an illustration should you skip it and not look at it?
No, because there might be important details in the picture that will help you understand the story.
When you are done with the test, what should you do BEFORE YOU RAISE YOUR HAND AND TELL THE TEACHER YOU ARE DONE?
You should go back through the test and double check your answers to be sure they are correct. THEN you should RAISE YOUR HAND.
What does the word EXCERPT MEAN?
A small piece taken from a longer passage or story.
What does the word theme mean? How can you usually find the theme?
It means the lesson in the story. Usually, the theme is the lesson that the main character learns. It is the lesson that you learn about life.
If the question asks, "With which of the following statements would the author most likely agree with...." How would you go about answering this question?
This means based on everything you read in the passage that the author said, what do you think the author would say about these statements or phrases...
If there is a Part A and a Part B to a question.... In Part B, usually you must.....
Find the evidence that supports Part A. You must make the two parts match!
After every paragraph in the passage, you should stop and figure out what the paragraph was.....
mostly about.... or find the main idea.
Choose two details that support your answer to Part A. How many answers do you need to select?
Usually you can use the process of elimination to narrow down the answer to how many choices? Then, you should choose the ___________ answer.
“Joey carried her pail to the living room and settled into the window seat to watch from Gramp and Grandma.” What does the word settled mean? a. got bored b. got comfortable c. got tired
What is a. got comfortable
What if you feel like the test is too hard and do not know the answer to a question? What do you do?
Reread the question or passage. Double check your answer later.
central message is the same as...
What is main idea?
When Part B says something like, "Which two phrases or sentences below best support the correct answer in Part A... what does this mean?
It means... choose the two phrases or sentences that prove the answer you selected in Part A.
You may have a question that asks you how a Paragraph ADDS to the story. For example: How does Paragraph 13 add to Paragraph 12? What are some of the ways a paragraph can add to another?
a. Shows the result or affect b. Explains the problem of the story c. Tells where the story is happening d. Shows the order of events e. Introduces the characters
What strategy can you use to make sure a definition of a word makes sense in the sentence?
You can use substitution.
How many times should you read the question? After you have read the question what should you do?
Read it at least two times. See if you can state the question in your own words.
When you see main idea you need to think...
What is the story mostly about!
What does dialogue mean and how can you tell when it is happening in the story?
It means the conversation between people in a story. You will see quotation marks!
What does the sequence of events mean, and how do you go about finding the sequence?
It means the ORDER of events. You find the sequence by going back in the text and finding the first thing, then the next. Read sentences before and after to find the event before and the event after.