Future tense of jump
Will jump
This is a person, place, or thing.
What is a porquoi tale?
A story that explains why something happens in nature.
Which is normally longer- the main idea or the gist?
Gist. A main idea will normally have only a few words.
i am sorry
I am sorry.
Present tense of walked.
This is an action word.
A verb.
What language is the word 'porquoi' from, and what does it mean?
French, the word means 'why'
Which word is closer in meaning to 'summary': main idea or gist?
Gist. A gist gives an overview of the story, like a summary does.
amelia was bad at writed sentences onherpaper.
Amelia was bad at writing sentences on her paper.
Give the past, present, and future tense of the word: drum.
Drummed, drumming, will drum
This describes a noun.
Name one Porquoi tale we read or wrote ourselves
How the Koala Got Its Stumpy Tail
'Friendship', 'love is better than war', and 'how butter is made' are all examples of which- main idea or gist?
Main idea. A main idea is a short concept.
The Bouncy, green Frog jumped on the lilypad
The bouncy, green frog jumped on the lilypad.
Present tense of cried.
This describes a verb.
Is a porquoi tale informational or narrative?
Narrative, it does not give facts like an informational text.
When writing the gist of a story, what all needs to be included?
Somebody, In, Wanted, But, So
Why doesn't i like the potato chips yesterday?
Why didn't I like the potato chips yesterday?
Past tense of take
This connects two phrases and includes words like: and, but, and or.
A conjunction.
Create a title for a porquoi tale.
Could be similar to: How the Frog Grew a Long Tongue
How is the author's purpose for a text different from the main idea?
The author's purpose is WHY something was written, while the main idea is WHAT was written.
Carrots ar gud for mi health
Carrots are good for my health.