Figurative / Nonliteral
Double meanings

As I began walking home, the sky started raining cats and dogs.  I had to hurry and get under a roof.  

What does raining cats and dogs mean?

it's raining a lot.


I had to wait forever before my mother came to pick me up.

Is this literal or figurative?



Mr. Weir cried when his class got 100% on the test. 

a. figurative language, b. literal language

b. Literal language


Please don't break a leg climbing the ladder.

Is this figurative or Literal? 



I asked her to keep it a secret, but she spilled the beans anyway. What does spilling the beans mean?

Telling a secret


As the bell crept up on recess time, Mr. Weir's students asked if they could go early.  Mr. Weir said, "When pigs fly." The students were sad and they groaned with displeasure. What parts of this paragraph have nonliteral meanings?

Two Answers

bell crept 

pigs fly 


My friend lost his cool when he found out that he had to miss recess. What does losing your cool mean?

Losing control of emotions and getting angry.


After the teacher said, "Quiet please," the noise in the class died down. What does died now mean?

getting quieter.


When I fell down and bumped my head, my head was spinning. Which parts are figurative language? 

Head spinning 


The multiplication timed test was a piece of cake.

Is this Literal or figurative? 

b. nonliteral


He was on pins and needles waiting for his grades.

a. This literally means what it says.

b. This is figurative language.

b. This is figurative language.


Good students might not like to do their homework, but they decide to bite the bullet and do it anyway. Which statement is figurative language? 

bite the bullet 


After losing the game, Tim left to blow off some steam.

Is he literally blowing off steam or figuratively blowing off steam?



When the class all got 100% on the test, Mr. Weir broke down and cried tears of joy. He was proud of his class for having the top scores.

Which part of the paragraph is figurative language?  

Broke down


Mr. Weir's electric bike cost an arm and a leg. Which phrase is figurative language? 

Cost an arm and leg