Equivalent Fraction Models
Determine Equivalent Fractions
Find Equivalent Fractions
Name Equivalent Fractions on a Number Line
Find the Equivalent Fraction on a Number Line

Use fraction circles or tiles to fill in the question marks.

1/3 = ?/6


Use a tape diagram to determine if the fractions are equivalent. Write an addition and multiplication number sentence to match.


Use a tape diagram to find an equivalent fraction. Write an addition and multiplication number sentence to match.


Name the equivalent fraction for the fractions shown on the number lines below. Write a multiplication number sentence to show the equivalence.


Find an equivalent fraction for the fractions shown on the number lines below. Write a multiplication number sentence to show the equivalence.


Use fraction circles or tiles to fill in the question marks.

?/4 = 1/2


Use a tape diagram to determine if the fractions are equivalent. Write an addition and multiplication number sentence to match.


Use a tape diagram to find an equivalent fraction. Write an addition and multiplication number sentence to match.


Name the equivalent fraction for the fractions shown on the number lines below. Write a multiplication number sentence to show the equivalence.


Find an equivalent fraction for the fractions shown on the number lines below. Write a multiplication number sentence to show the equivalence.


Use fraction circles or tiles to fill in the question marks.

2/3 = ?/12


Use a tape diagram to determine if the fractions are equivalent. Write an addition and multiplication number sentence to match.


Use a tape diagram to find an equivalent fraction. Write an addition and multiplication number sentence to match.


Name the equivalent fraction for the fractions shown on the number lines below. Write a multiplication number sentence to show the equivalence.


Find an equivalent fraction for the fractions shown on the number lines below. Write a multiplication number sentence to show the equivalence.


Use fraction circles or tiles to fill in the question marks.

3/4 = ?/8


Use a tape diagram to determine if the fractions are equivalent. Write an addition and multiplication number sentence to match.


Use a tape diagram to find an equivalent fraction. Write an addition and multiplication number sentence to match.


Name the equivalent fraction for the fractions shown on the number lines below. Write a multiplication number sentence to show the equivalence.


Find an equivalent fraction for the fractions shown on the number lines below. Write a multiplication number sentence to show the equivalence.


Use fraction circles or tiles to fill in the question marks.

2/4 = ?/12


Use a tape diagram to determine if the fractions are equivalent. Write an addition and multiplication number sentence to match.


Use a tape diagram to find an equivalent fraction. Write an addition and multiplication number sentence to match.


Name the equivalent fraction for the fractions shown on the number lines below. Write a multiplication number sentence to show the equivalence.


Find an equivalent fraction for the fractions shown on the number lines below. Write a multiplication number sentence to show the equivalence.