In this game, two brothers run around collecting coins and crushing bricks in the attempt to save a princess.
What Mario Brothers or Super Mario
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
Who is Spongebob Squarepants
In this game, you try to survive as 100 people battle in the attempt to be the last one standing.
What is Fortnite
In this game, you build, battle mobs, and explore.
What is Mincraft.
What game requires you to have bob and weave as a ball is thrown at you
What is Dodgeball?
In this game, you are very angry and hurl yourself into pigs.
Angry Birds
You eat this candy when you get HANGRY.
What are Snickers?
What number does the 7 represent?
What is 70,000
What is the name of Miss Stovall's dog?
What is Odin
In this game, you roam around a maze eating dots and other treats while avoiding colorful ghosts.
1/4 + 1/4
Who is the villain in 101 Dalmatians?
What is Cruella Deville
These use sun, air, and water to make food.
What are plants