What is an idol?
Anything that keeps you from spending time with God.
Where was Samson’s source of strength?
His hair.
What did Nehemiah pray for?
He asked God to help him.
Who became David’s friend?
What does covet mean?
It is having a strong desire to have what belongs to someone else.
Who appeared to Manoah’s wife?
The Angel of the Lord.
What does he want to do in Jerusalem?
He wants to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem.
Was Jonathan a good friend to David? Are you a good friend to your friends?
Why is it important for us to "Honor your father and Mother?"
It is important for us to honor our parents because they know what is best for us and they love us very much.
Who tricked into revealing his source of strength?
Why did the King help him?
The king helped him because Nehemiah was always kind and respectful.
Why was Saul angry with David?
He was jealous of David because the Lord was with him.
Why do you think, "You shall have no other gods before me" is the first commandment?
God wants us to put Him above all things. We need to put God before all the things we love like our toys, TV, etc.
From our lesson give examples of Samson’s faith in the Lord.
Asked for strength one last time.
What did the king do?
He let Nehemiah go help rebuild the wall, he gave him letters to give to the other governors to let him pass through, and he gave him building supplies.
What did Jonathan give David when he made a covenant with him?
Jonathan gave David his robe, sword, bow, and belt.
What does "You shall not misuse the name of the Lord" mean?
The Lord is holy. It is not good to use His name in vain.
What does God want for us to do?
To be obedient and listen to His commands.
What did the king send with Nehemiah when he went to Jerusalem?
Letters for every governor throughout the land and captains of the army to protect him.
How did Jonathan protect David from being killed by his father?
He went and found out if his father was still angry and came back and gave David the signal that it was not safe for him to return.