Project-Based Learning
All About Ms. Neda

The answer to this multiplication problem is 25 and can be found by multiplying the same two numbers 

What is 5 x 5? 


The names of the main characters of the three chapter books we read this year

Island of the Blue Dolphins: Karana, Rontu, Tutok, Ramo, and the Aleuts 

Fantastic Mr. Fox: Mr. Fox, Mrs. Fox, the three farmers

Charlie & the Chocolate Factory: Charlie Bucket, the four kids, Wonka, Grandpa Joe 


Name five different types of punctuation marks 

What are periods, exclamation marks, question marks, quotation marks, commas, and parentheses? 


The idea that farmers around the world who produce our food make a fair share of the profit from selling their crops 

What is fair trade? 

How many siblings Ms. Neda has and their name(s)

What is one brother and his name is Noah? 


This formula is used to find the area of a four-sided closed shape 

What is l x w? (length x width)


The names of all of the animals Karana gives names to/takes care of 

Who are Rontu, Tainor, Lurai, Mon-a-nee/Won-a-nee, and Rontu-Aru? 

The punctuation convention that signifies the start of a new paragraph

What is a tab or indent? 


Name three different buildings designed by Frank Lloyd Wright

What are Fallingwater, Beth Shalom Synagogue, Ennis House, Guggenheim Museum, and Nakoma Golf House? 

Name two activities that Ms. Neda loves to do outside of school 

What are rollerblading, yoga, going to the beach, traveling, and eating? 


Show on your whiteboard the fraction 4/10 

What is 4 boxes shaded out of 10 total boxes? 


The specialty of each farmer in Fantastic Mr. Fox

What is: 

Boggis - chicken farmer who eats lots of chickens 

Bunce - geese, duck, and pig farmer who eats donuts from goose liver 

Bean - apple cider farmer who is super skinny 


The definition of a preposition 

What is a word or phrase that shows direction, time, place, location, spatial relationships, or introduces an object?


The architect who worked with Benjamin Banneker to survey the future capital of the United States and eventually left in anger and took all the plans with him 

Who is Charles L'Enfant? 


Name two of the three countries Ms. Neda visited last summer 

What are Italy, Sweden, and Poland? 


These are three equivalent fractions for the fraction 1/3 

What are 2/6, 3/9, 4/12, 5/15, 6/18...10/30, 100/300, etc.? 


The theme of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 

What are: 

good things come in small packages 

poverty vs. wealth 

what goes around comes around 


Correctly punctuate this sentence: 

mom exclaimed hey what are you doing with that do not drop that on the floor 

What is: 

Mom exclaimed, "Hey! What are you doing with that? Do not drop that on the floor!". 

Name three different Mars rovers 

What are Sojourner, Spirit, Opportunity, Curiosity, and Perseverance? 


Ms. Neda's favorite coffee order

What are: matcha latte with oat milk, chai tea latte with oat milk and a shot of espresso, or oat milk latte? 


A rectangle has an area of 36 square centimeters. Find the length of each side. Find the perimeter of the square. 

side length options: 9 cm & 4 cm, 12 cm & 3 cm, 6 cm & 6 cm, 36 cm & 1 cm 

perimeter: 22 cm, 30 cm, 24 cm, 74 cm 


Name three different types of wild animals on the Island of the Blue Dolphins - none of Karana's pets

What are cormorants, gulls, sea elephants, devilfish, abalone, etc.? 


What are the types of writing we learned this year? 

What are: 

- narrative - fiction and nonfiction 

- informative 

- opinion 

- poetry 


In the 1960s, a scientist at MIT named JCR Licklider popularized the idea of this of computers 

What is an "intergalactic network"?


Two strengths of Ms. Neda, and two areas for improvement for Ms. Neda

What are: 

Strengths: teaching math, creative lesson planning

Areas for improvement: drawing, patience for difficult situations