Main Idea
Supporting Details
Main Idea 2
Supporting Details
Main Idea 3
Supporting Details

What is the main idea about this passage?

What is pen pals make each other's worlds a little bigger?


Name one supporting detail about the main idea.

One answer: What is pen pals learn about each other's lives?


What is the main idea of this article?

What is smartphones can be used in both good and bad ways?


What is one supporting detail from the paragraph.

One answer: What is that smartphones are good for listening to music, taking pictures, and playing games?


What is the main idea from this passage?

What is Andrew Carnegie became rich and used his money to help other people?


What is a supporting detail from this passage?

What is books were important to him, so he gave books to build libraries?


What is the main idea of this passage?

A baby kangaroo stays in its mother's pouch until it's strong enough to live on its own.


What is one supporting detail of the main idea?

One answer:  What is a joey climbs into his mother's pouch when he is just born?


What is the main idea of this passage?

Wakefield is known for coming up with a famous chocolate chip cookie recipe.


What are some supporting details about the main idea?

One answer: What is cocoa powder does not make cookies taste like chocolate?


What is the main idea from the passage?

Some people believe that groundhogs can tell us when winter will end.


What is a supporting detail?

One answer: What is that Groundhog Day started with an old story?


What is the main idea of this passage?

What is exercise helps people feel better in many ways? 


Give one supporting detail of the main idea.

One answer: What is exercise is good for your heart?


What is the main idea from the passage?

You can stay safe on your bike by following certain rules.


What are supporting details for the main idea?

One answer: What is use hand signals to show others that you plan to change direction or stop?

What is the main idea of the passage?

Sirleaf's work made the lives of many people in Liberia better.


What is a supporting detail?

One answer: What is that she was the first woman to be elected as leader of an African country?


What is the main idea of this paragraph?

Bats sleep in many different kinds of places during the day.


Name one supporting detail from the passage.

One answer: What is bats sleep in many different places?


What is the main idea from this passage?

Plants have several ways to protect themselves from being eaten.


What is a supporting detail from the text?

One answer: What is that thorn bushes on a rosebush protect it from being eaten?


What is the main idea from the passage?

Laboulaye wanted the Statue of Liberty to inspire freedom from democracy in France.


What is a supporting detail?

One answer: What is de Laboulaye supported freeing the slaves in the Civil War?


What is the main idea of this paragraph?

Life would be different without gravity.


Give one supporting detail.

One answer: What is you can't see or touch gravity?


What is the main idea of this passage?

It may have been more than just an asteroid that caused the dinosaurs to die.


What is a supporting detail from the passage?

One answer: What is scientists think that there are several reasons that the dinosaurs became extinct?


What is the main idea from the passage?

As a result of her visit to London's Toynbee Hall, Jane Addams founded the first settlement house in Chicago.


What is a supporting detail?

One answer: What is she opened a settlement house of her own called Hull House?