What is the sum of 3 + 8? Is it even or odd?
11 is odd.
What are two signal words that let you know we have to round?
about how many
What does the word estimate mean?
a number close to an exact amount.
Count by tens and ones to find 63 + 27. Using a number line to show the jumps.
63 + 27 = 90
What is the Associative Property of Addition?
group the addends in different ways and still get the same sum.
3 + 9 = 12
9 + 3 = 12
Round 174 to the nearest hundred.
Use a number line to show your work
Use rounding to add 304 + 494
300 + 500 = 800
Count by tens and ones to find 54 + 26. Draw the jumps on the number line to show your work.
54 + 26 = 80
Find the sum of 46 + 55 + 24 using the Associative Property of Addition
group together two numbers example 46 + 24 = 70 and then 55 + 70 = 125
14 is even.
Round 44 to the nearest Ten. Show your work using a number line.
Use rounding to add 19 + 54
20 + 50 = 70
What is an addend?
A number which is being added to another number.
6 + 3 = 9
6 and 3 are addends
What is the Commutative Property of Addition?
Find the sum of 15 + 0. Write the name of the property that you used to find the sum.
Identity Property of Addition
Stretch your thinking:
Write a number that is the same when rounded to the nearest hundred and ten. Explain your answer.
example of possible answer could be:
203 rounded to the nearest hundred is 200 and 203 rounded to the nearest ten is also 200.
Round and add up the addends to solve: 478 + 213
500 + 200 = 700
what is a sum
the answer after adding addends together.
5 + 2 = 7
7 is the sum.
Using the Commutative Property of Addition solve:
43 + 39 + 43 + 11
43 + 43 + 39 + 11 = 136
Which number sentences show the Commutative Property of Addition? Mark all that apply.
a) 27 + 4 = 4 + 27 c) 27 + (4 + 0) = (27 + 4) + 0
b) 27 + 4 = 31 d) 27 + 0 = 0 + 27
a & d
Using a number line round the number 718 to the nearest ten.
718 rounded to the nearest ten is 720.
round and add to find the sum: 255 + 342
300 + 300 = 600
Count by tens and ones to find 38 + 22
38 + 22 = 60
a) (86 + 7) + 93 = 86 + (7 + 93)
b) 86 + 0 = 86
c) (70 + 2) + 72 = 72 + (2 + 70)
d) 55 + 5 = 5 + 55
a & c