5 x __ = 20
What is 4
3 rounded to the nearest 10
What is 0
348 - 157
What is 191
Ryan collects stamps. He places 4 stamps on each page of his stamp book. If the stamp book has 7 pages, how many stamps does Ryan have altogether?
What is 28 stamps
See PowerPoint Q1 Fractions
What is no
6 x ___ = 18
What is 3
277 rounded to the nearest 10
What is 280
603 - 257
What is 346
Claire, Sarah, and Linda have 12 boxes of cookies each. How many boxes of cookies do they have altogether?
What is 36 boxes of cookies
See PowerPoint Q2 Fractions
What is 6/10 or six tenths
24= ___ x 3
What is 8
Rounded to the nearest 10
451 - 234
What is 220
1,000 - 493
What is 507
Timothy started a book club. Monday, Carl and his 3 friends came to Timothy's book club. Tuesday, 7 extra people showed up at the book club. How many people in all came to book club Monday and Tuesday?
What is 12 people came to the book club on Monday and Tuesday
See PowerPoint Q3 Fractions
What is no.
72= 12 x ___
What is 6
Rounded to the nearest 100
934 + 149
What is 1,000
15,032 - 381
What is 14,651
there were 348 sea horses, 220 star fish, and some clown fish at the aquarium. If there were 682 in all, how many are clown fish?
What is 114 clown fish
See PowerPoint Q4 Fractions
What is yes.
25 x 3=
What is 75
Rounded to the nearest 10
231 + 387
What is 620
603,482 - 23,150
What is 580,332
Sarah wakes up at 6:23 a.m. It takes her 24 minutes to get ready for school. She eats breakfast for 10 minutes. What time does Sarah leave to go to school?
What is 6:57 a.m.
See PowerPoint Q5 Fractions
What is yes.