Understanding My Emotions
Working Together
Wizard Brain vs. Lizard Brain
Constellation of Support
Red Flags and Emotion Elevator

Name one blue zone emotion

Sad, hurt, shy, bored, sick, etc.


What is teamwork?

Working together to achieve a common goal


What is a "lizard brain" reaction to the following situation:

Your mom tells you that you can’t go to your friend’s house because you have to clean your room

"What?! You're so mean!"


Name three people who are in your "constellation of support"

Mom, dad, teacher, friend, etc.

Where do we see Red Flags in the environment/nature?

Boats, Beaches


Name the four zones of regulation (hint: colors of zones of emotions)

Blue, Green, Yellow, and Red


Who is better? Me or We? Why?

We. We can get ideas from others and build off each other. 


What is a "wizard brain" reaction to the following situation:

Your mom tells you that you can’t go to your friend’s house because you have to clean your room

"Okay, I'll clean my room. After I'm done, can I go over to their house?"


Give an example of a problem that has a "kid fix" solution

Ex.) Your friend forgot to include you in a game during recess

What is a Red Flag Warning?

Red flags warn you that something is wrong or to be cautious


Name two "yellow zone" emotions

Overwhelmed, anxious, nervous, excited, silly, frustrated


Name two places and situations where you need to use teamwork

Working on a group project in school, on a sports team, etc.


Why do we need to "stop and think" before doing or saying something? 

It allows us to decide if it is a good or bad choice before we do it. 


What is a "support system"?

A group of people that we can go to if we need help or someone to talk to


Name one thing that is in our circle of control and one thing that is outside of our circle of control. 

Inside: How I react to someone ignoring me.

Outside: If my friends are in my class next year. 


Name three coping tools if you are in the "red zone"

Ask for a break, use the calm down corner, take deep breaths, talk to an adult, etc.


Name three qualities of negative teamwork

Yelling at others, doing our own projects, blaming others, not listening to others, etc.


What does the "flight, fight, or freeze" reaction mean? 

It is our body's reaction when we are in danger. 


Why is it important to have many people in our support system? 

It is important so that we have many people we can go to if we need help or if someone is unavailable. 


Give one example of a triggering situation and one coping strategy you would use.

Example: "I get nervous when I take tests. When I take a test, I make sure to take deep breaths."


What does the green zone mean? (hint: it does not mean happy)

Ready to learn


Name three qualities of positive teamwork

Good communication, listening to others, being flexible, etc.


What is the difference between the "lizard brain" and "wizard brain"?

The "lizard brain" is our emotional brain. The "wizard brain" is our thinking brain. 

How would you solve the following problem? Who would you go to for help? What size problem is this?

During recess a student said something about hurting another student.

Go tell an adult immediately. Adult fix.


Give one example of an "inside red flag" and an "outside red flag"


Inside: heart racing
Outside: crying