What is another way to solve 5 x 3 = 15?
What is 3 x 5 = 15
Write a repeated addition equation to represent 6 x 4
What is 4+4+4+4+4+4=24
Kameron spent $9 buying school supplies at the store for each his 3 best friends. How much money did Kameron spend in total?
What is $27
3 x 4= 12 What equation represents commutative property?
What is 4 x 3 = 12
7 x 7 =
What is 49
Show an array with 7 x 6
What is 7 rows with 6 in each row which equals 42
Solve 3 x 7
What is 21
Joel saw 7 ladybugs at the park. Each ladybug has 6 legs. How many ladybugs legs did Joel see at the park?
What is 42 ladybug legs
Bob eats three meals a day. How many meals does he eat in a week?
What is 21 (7 x 3)
8 x 5 =
What is 55
Show equal groups to represent 6 x 9
6 groups with 9 inside of each group
There are 10 students in a class. Each student reads 2 chapters. How many chapters did they read in all?
What is 20 chapters