Handling Bullying
Being a Good Sport/Cooperation
Life Skills
Behavior that is mean, on purpose, one-sided, and happens again and again.
What is bullying?
Someone who is recognized each month for doing their part to help the school run smoothly by getting along with others, doing their work, being quiet in the halls, and calmly working out conflicts.
What is a Peacemaker?
A person trained to help students solve disagreements at recess.
What is a conflict manager?
What is working together to get something done.
What treating others the way you want to be treated?
When the classmate buddies up with his friends to be mean. For example, you see a classmate and his friend bothering a student you don't know every morning at the bus stop
What is unfair power?
calm, no fighting, may be quiet
What is peace?
Your friend wants to play soccer, but you want to go for a walk. The two of you decide to play soccer today and walk tomorrow.
What is taking turns?
Meredith and her friends agree to play four square. Meredith hit the ball out of the box. She goes out of the game.
What is following the rules.
What doing your personal best?
Almost everyday for the last two weeks you have watched a 5th grader on the bus call a kid you know but don't play with fatso. You have decided that you need to tell the bully to leave him the kid alone.
What is a bystander or standing up for someone?
Peace on the playground.
What is playing outside at school without arguing and hurting each other?
Two kids are arguing over who was in line first. They decide to do rock, paper, scissors, to se who will get to be first.
What is chance?
The captain of your soccer team always tries to get all the really good players and make the not so good players go to the other team. You ask them to try and make the teams equal so the game is more fun.
What is playing fair?
You demonstrate this when you throw trash in the trash can and using soap and water with playing.
What is pride in your school?
You ask to talk to a teacher in private and tell her who, when, where, and what another student is doing to bully you.
What is reporting?
Walking quietly when going places in the school without running, shoving, bumping or stepping on others.
What is peace in the halls?
When you solve a fight by using the words, Why? What? Where? Who? or How?
What is STOP, Ask, Listen?
Being a good sport.
What is following the rules, playing fair, and respecting others and the equipment during games.
Your friend just got a bad grade on a math test. You tell him that you are sorry and remind him he will get a chance to do better next time.
What is caring?
When someone is mean again and again but you have not done anything unkind to them.
What is one-sided?
Yelling, pushing, running in the halls, arguing with the teacher.
What is conflict?
Two kids are doing a science project together. One wants to do it his way. The other want her idea. They decide to put the two ideas together.
What is a compromise?
A kid asks to play in your game at recess. You usually play with the same kids everyday, but you let him play.
What is respecting others?
When others count on you to do what is right.
What is responsibility?