Bouncing Light
Feel the Heat
Fighting Friction
Measure Up
Changing States

Jenny put a flashlight on a table, so the light shined on a wall. She put a piece of cardboard in front of the flashlight and could no longer see the light on the wall. What most likely happened to the light when it reached the cardboard? (SC.3.P.10.4)

A. The cardboard absorbed it.

B. The cardboard destroyed it.

C. It was reflected onto the wall.

D. It was refracted outward in all directions.

A. The cardboard absorbed it.


Ashley is studying a lit lightbulb. Which type of energy does she know it is producing besides light energy? (SC.3.P.10.1)

A. heat energy

B. wind energy

C. sound energy

D. mechanical energy 

A. heat energy


Which action will produce the most heat in a ball? (SC.3.P.11.2)

A. catching a ball

B. bouncing a ball

C. rolling a ball on the floor

D. rubbing a ball on the carpet

D. rubbing a ball on the carpet


Olivia compared and ordered boxes from heaviest to lightest. What is she comparing? (SC.3.P.8.2)

A. color

B. mass

C. texture    

D. temperature        

B. mass


Mina walks outside one morning and notices that her mother’s car is covered with ice. What change has water gone through to become ice? SC.3.P.9.1.

A.    boiling      

B.    freezing    

C.    melting

D.   evaporation

B.    freezing    


Which of the following is not an example of light energy? (SC.3.P.10.1)

A. The Sun

B. a lamp

C. a candle

D. a hair dryer

D. a hair dryer


Mia pointed a flashlight straight ahead. The light from the flashlight suddenly traveled back to Mia. Which of the following objects did the light most likely strike? (3.P.10.3)

A.  brick wall

B.  large mirror

C.  clear glass window

D.  a window with the shades closed

B.  large mirror


.  Every day when Jack gets home from school, he puts his lunchbox on the counter. He turns on his desk lamp and gets a cup of water. He then sits at his desk with his book to do his homework.

Which object produces the most heat?  (SC.3.P.11.1)

A. cup

B. book                   

C. lamp    

D. lunchbox

C. lamp    


When your hands feel cold, it can help to rub them together very quickly. This can make your hands feel warm. Why does rubbing your hands together make them warm? (SC.3.P.11.2)

A. Moving your body can cause your heart rate to speed up and warms the blood.

B. Rubbing your hands together causes friction which produces heat.

C. Rubbing your hands together can cause a fire that produces heat.

D. Rubbing your hands together causes energy which produces heat.

B. Rubbing your hands together causes friction which produces heat.


Kaleb puts a pot of milk on the stove to make hot chocolate. He heats the milk until it reaches 100⁰F. He pours the milk in a cup and lets it sit for 5 minutes. What would he expect the temperature of the milk to be after 5 minutes? (SC.3.P.8.1)

A. 0⁰F

B. 32⁰F

C. 80⁰F

D. 105⁰F

C. 80⁰F


Gino builds a snow person. As the sun comes out, he notices the snow person begins to get smaller and a puddle of water forms on the ground under the snow person. What type of change is taking place?


A.    liquid melting to become gas

B.    liquid freezing to become solid   

C.    solid freezing to become liquid  

D.    solid melting to become liquid

D.    solid melting to become liquid


Tony did an experiment. He made a conclusion about the experiment. Which of these things can Tony do to show that his conclusion is correct? (SC.3.N.1.7)

A. Tony can show everyone the tools he used.

B. Tony can tell everyone that he thinks that he is correct.

C. Tony can draw of a picture of himself doing the experiment.

D. Tony can use observations and measurements from the experiment.

D. Tony can use observations and measurements from the experiment.


Blake is standing in a pond looking at fish. From above the water, they look large. From under the water, they look smaller. What happens to light as it travels from the water to the air? (3.P.10.4)

A. It stops.

B. It bends.

C. It reflects.

D. It is absorbed.

B. It bends.


A light bulb in the table lamp goes out. Carrie quickly replaces it and burns her fingers when removing the light bulb. Why does this happen? (SC.3.P.11.1)

A. A light bulb reflects light, which causes her fingers to burn.

B. A light bulb absorbs heat from the air.

C. A light bulb produces light and also gives off heat.

D. A light bulb still has electricity running through it which causes heat.

C. A light bulb produces light and also gives off heat.


Liang starts doing her homework. She takes a drink of water and opens her notebook. She sees she has made a mistake and erases it with her eraser. Which object produces heat when she uses it? (SC.3.P.11.2)

A. cup      

B. book   

C. eraser

D. water

C. eraser


Christopher is measuring the mass of different objects. Which tool should he use to compare the mass of the objects? (SC.3.P.8.2)

A. ruler

B. pan balance

C. thermometer

D. graduated cylinder

B. pan balance


Kim placed a pot of water on a stove for 15 minutes. She observed that the water began to bubble and   that the water level dropped. Which explanation below describes what is happening to the water? SC.3.P.9.1.

A.   The water is cooling.  

B.   The water is freezing.        

C.   The water is boiling and is evaporating.

D.   The water is melting and is disappearing.

C.   The water is boiling and is evaporating.


Scientists tell one another about the results of their investigations so other scientists can check each scientist’s work. Which is a way that scientists can check another scientist’s work? (SC.3.N.1.5)

 A.  circle any words that are misspelled or should be replaced           

B.  check the charts or graphs to be sure there are no math mistakes           

C.  repeat the investigation exactly to see whether they get the same results          

D. repeat the investigation, but change some things to see whether they get the same results

C.  repeat the investigation exactly to see whether they get the same results  


Celine has read that light can be reflected and absorbed. She holds a plastic plate in the light. She sees a spot of light on the ground near her. What conclusion can you draw? (SC.3.P.10.4)

A.   The plate is absorbing all of the light.

B.   The plate is reflecting the light into the air.

C.   The plate is not reflecting or absorbing light.       D.   The plate is reflecting the light onto the ground.   

D.   The plate is reflecting the light onto the ground.


6.  Kayla’s family is cooking lunch on an outdoor grill. Which items are giving off both light and heat? (SC.3.11.1)

A. the coals and the air

B. the food and the flames

C. the grill and the food

D. the coals and the flames

D. the coals and the flames


Two objects will create some heat if what is true? (SC.3.P.11.2)

A. The objects are far apart.

B. The objects are both very heavy.

C. The objects rub against each other.

D. The objects are made of different materials.

C. The objects rub against each other.


All objects have volume. Which is a true statement about volume? (SC.3.P.8.2)

A. Volume helps to show how heavy an object is.

B. Volume is a measure of how much matter is in an object.

C. Volume is a measure of the amount of space an object takes up.

D. Volume can be measured by placing an object on a pan balance.

C. Volume is a measure of the amount of space an object takes up.


The three states of matter are solid, liquid, and gas. How is a solid different from a liquid?

A.    A solid has a definite shape. A liquid takes the shape of its container.  

B.    A solid takes the shape of its container. A liquid has a definite shape.             

C.    A solid has a definite volume. A liquid does not have a definite volume.          

D.   A solid does not have a definite volume. A liquid has a definite volume.

A.    A solid has a definite shape. A liquid takes the shape of its container.


Water can change forms from solid to liquid to gas. When water changes from liquid to gas, what is this called? SC.3.P.9.1.

A. melting

B. freezing

C. evaporation

D. condensation

C. evaporation


Amado is making a model to show how light travels. In his model, he is using a tennis ball as the light source. He is using string to represent light. How should he use the string to model the way that light travels? (3.P.10.3)

A.    Tape the string so that it forms a tiny zigzag.     B.     Pull the string tight so that it forms straight lines.

C.  Form the string into an arc to show how light bends.             

 D.    Wind the string around a pencil so that it forms a spiral.

B.     Pull the string tight so that it forms straight lines.


Bella and her mother dip strawberries in chocolate they melted over a pan of hot water on the stove. Which type of energy produced by the stove enabled them to do this? (SC.3.P.10.1)

A. heat energy

B. light energy

C. sound energy

D. gravitational energy

A. heat energy


Micah is watching a movie with her parents. In the movie there is a car chase. She notices the tires on the car are smoking. What best explains why the tires are smoking?  (SC.3.P.11.2)

A. They are filled with air.

B. They moved in a circle.

C. They are very smooth.

D. They rubbed against the road.

D. They rubbed against the road.


Tyler puts a ball of clay into a glass of water to find the volume. Next, he flattens the ball of clay. Then he puts the clay in the water again. What will happen to the clay’s volume? (SC.3.P.8.2)

A. The volume of the flat clay will be half the volume of the round clay.  

B. The volume of the flat clay will be twice the volume of the round clay.

C. The volume of the flat clay will be the same as the volume of the round clay.

D. The volume of the flat clay can not be compared to the volume of the round clay.

C. The volume of the flat clay will be the same as the volume of the round clay.


Freezing and melting are opposite processes. Which process is the opposite of condensing?

    A.    cooling 

    B.    evaporating      

    C.    freezing

    D.    melting

    B.    evaporating


Macee has three different bird feeders in her backyard. Each of the bird feeders contain the same type of food. She recorded which types of birds she saw at each bird feeder. She put the results in the table below. (SC.3.N.1.1)

Which is the best explanation of Macee's observations?

a. Blue Jays and Mocking Birds do not like to eat out of bird feeders.

b. Hummingbirds, Blue Jays and Mocking Birds all eat different types of foods.

c. There are more Hummingbirds than Blue Jays and Mockingbirds in Macee’s yard.

d. Hummingbirds do not eat the same types of food as Blue Jays and Mockingbirds.

d. Hummingbirds do not eat the same types of food as Blue Jays and Mockingbirds.