Good morning! You have just arrived at our class...what do you need to do in the morning?
1. Turn in your red folder
2. Get out your pages from your binder
3. Put the pages on a clipboard
4. Put your binder in your backpack
5. Put your textbooks in your cubby
You are finished with your work...where do you put your page?
In the turn-in bin!
What is the line leader's job?
To stay at the front of the line and set a good example of hallway behavior
You have a question. What do you do? What should you not do?
Please don't yell at Miss Burwell. Or say her name 4,127 times. Or tap her on the shoulder 946 times. She doesn't really like that.
You are finished unpacking for the day...what can you do?
Read a book in the library or at your seat
NEW: You can do your handwriting!
Miss Burwell is teaching a lesson, but you already know some of the answers on your page. What should you do?
Listen and participate during the lesson, then work on your page.
What is the caboose's job?
To stay at the end of the line and make sure no one gets left behind
You really have to use the bathroom during class. What do you do?
The "restroom" hand signal
You hear a musical chime...what does that mean?
It's time to clean up and go to the rug for morning meeting.
(At other times in the day, it just means to clean up and get ready for the next activity!)
What needs to be on EVERY. SINGLE. PAPER?
Your name! :)
To sharpen all the pencils in the dull bucket. They should do this job in the morning after they finish unpacking.
Your nose is runny and you need a tissue during class. What should you do?
The "tissue" hand signal
What do we do during morning meeting?
Prayer, pledge, song, and question of the day
You hear a very loud alarm go off. Miss Burwell says "Fire drill!" What do you do?
Immediately push in your chairs and line up in the classroom. Miss Burwell will be the caboose. Quickly exit the classroom and line up outside by the playground. It's very important to be silent and listen for instructions!
What is the cleanup crew's job?
To wipe down the tables after lunch. They should also clean doorknobs and light switches at the end of the day.
You need to fill up your water bottle. What do you do?
The hand signal for "water"
How should we behave when our classmates are answering the morning meeting question?
We should keep our voices quiet and listen to the speaker share.
Miss Burwell says, "Code Red" or "Tummy drill!" What do we do?
Lay on your tummies as close to the rug as you can. Miss Burwell will turn the lights off. Your job is to be silent...and maybe enjoy a nap! :)
What does the teacher's helper do?
Random jobs! Passing out papers, sending messages, helping other students...anything the teacher needs!
It's time to pack up. What do you do?
1. Put your books and water bottle in your backpack.
2. Make sure your desk is completely cleared off.
3. Wait until Miss Burwell calls your name for your red folder.