Affixes (prefix & suffix)
Multiple Meaning
Fact & Opinion
Anything Goes!
Define a suffix.
What is a word part that comes after a word?
Define personification.
What is giving human qualities to something that isn't human?
Which one has the same meaning as the word "trip"? She took a trip to Florida. 1) Be careful or you will trip! 2) We planned our trip together.
What is #2?
Fact or opinion? Pennsylvania is the state we live in.
What is fact?
What are some sequencing words?
What is First, Next, Then. After that, Last?
The prefix that means before.
What is "pre"?
In the following personification statement the object that is being given human qualities is...
What is the car engine?
Which of these choices has the same meaning as the word "SIGN"... The SIGN said do not enter. 1) Please sign your name on the paper. 2) Can you sign the word cat? 3) I can read the sign on the wall
What is #3?
Fact or opinion? Sheridan Elemntary School is the best school ever!
What is opinion?
Author's Purpose The different reasons author's write are... (list 3)
What is Persuade, Inform, Entertain?
The suffix that means without.
What is "-less"?
In the following personification what object is being human qualities? The video camera observed the whole thing.
What is the video camera?
Which on has the same meaning as the word SHOW? Will you show me how to bake a pie? 1) I want to show you my new toy. 2) I went to the show with dad.
What is #1?
Fact or opinion? Elephants eat grass and leaves.
What is a fact?
Define a synonym and give an example of a synonym. Define antonym and give an example of an antonym.
What is (answers will vary)
The word which means "to be full of care".
What is careful?
In the following personification, what human qualities are being given? The flowers nodded their heads at the morning workers.
What is nodding heads?
Which one has the same meaning as the word MARKS? I always receive good marks in school. 1) My fingers left marks on the glass. 2) The marks on my report card were great. 3) I have marks on my clothes where the milk spilled on them.
What is #2?
Fact or Opinion? A rhinoceros can be very difficult to take care of.
What is an opinion?
Define the words compare and contrast
What is Compare - Tell the things that are the same Contrast - Tell the things that are different
The word that means "the state of being punished".
What is punishment?
In the following example of personification, whihc human qualities are being given and to what object? The dishes danced on the shelves during the earthquake.
What is the dishes and danced?
Which one has the same meaning has the word CAN? The peas were in a CAN. 1) I can do it by myself. 2) Can you help me do the dishes? 3) Mom gave me a can of peanuts for the party.
What is #3?
Fact or opinion? A Komodo dragon is a reptile.
What is a fact?
Define character, events and setting.
What is Character - people or animals in a story Event - What happens in the story Setting - When and where the story takes place