Evan goes to the mall. Zoe goes to the mall.
Evan and Zoe go to the mall.
Grandma was a tailor. Grandma was a baker.
Grandma was a tailor and baker.
Chris drives a truck. Tom drives a truck.
Chris and Tom drive a truck.
The cars go into the parking lot. The cars go into the garage.
The cars go into the parking lot and garage.
Mom and dad do the laundry.
Dad likes to cook burgers. Dad likes to cook pasta.
Dad likes to cook burgers and pasta.
A police car drives by our house. An ambulance drives by our house.
A police car and ambulance drive by our house.
The children have pencils. The children have books.
The teachers have pencils and books.
Madison buys new clothes. Lia buys new clothes.
Madison and Lia buy new clothes.
Adam's sister is a singer. Adam's sister is a performer.
Adam's sister is a singer and performer.