Classroom 1
Classroom 2

Picture this: The fire alarm goes off and the class quietly lines up. Which door do you use to exit the building?

The door by the 3rd grade bathrooms.


True or false: It is okay to share snacks and lunch with others in the cafeteria.


Without using any words, how do you let Mrs. Mason know you have a bathroom emergency during class?

Hold up your crossed fingers


How should students always enter the classroom, no matter where they are coming from?

Calmly and quietly


How many sharpened pencils you should have prepared at the beginning of each day?


What two things do the students have to do during a lockdown drill?

1) Stay quiet

2) Sit in the corner near the back table


What is the first thing students must do if there is a safety drill that happens when they are outside?

Run to the teacher and listen for directions.


Why is it NEVER okay to run in the hallways?

*Many correct answers!*

Examples: you could slip and hurt yourself, you could run into and hurt someone else, you could create a false emergency


When you finish an assignment, where should you always put it? (Unless you are told otherwise...)

The turn-in bin


Who is allowed to sit in the class library during reader's workshop?

The helper of the day


True or false: During a shelter in place in the classroom, students are permitted to leave the room to use the bathroom.


(You may only leave the room if it is a shelter in place in the school!)


What is the consequence for using physical aggression (such as kicking or hitting) during recess or any other time of the day?

Immediately reporting to the principal's office.


If you have a bathroom emergency and you get permission to go during class, what must you do before leaving the room?

Move the blue cone to your desk.


What is Mrs. Mason's biggest pet peeve about pencils? (Hint: it's why you have a special holder for them...)

When they are all over the floor!


What is an exciting thing that can happen for the class when they stay silent in the hallway, follow directions in class, or get a compliment from another teacher?

They will earn a sunshine moment!


What should you do if you are in the hallway when you hear a lockdown drill announced?

Run into the CLOSEST classroom and follow that teacher's directions!


Who should you tell if you have a problem in the cafeteria?

One of the lunch teachers.

Which two subjects will be followed by a class bathroom break?

Math and Special Areas


What always needs to be done BEFORE beginning your morning work on your Chromebook?

Any work in your "ketchup" folder

Name 2 things you are allowed to do after you finish morning work.

Examples: read, choose a mayo bag, practice cursive, free write, work on a desk folder activity


What do we have to do when we have an evacuation drill?

What is the most important thing for students to do?

We have to leave the school and walk to a spot further away (the field).

The most important thing for students to do is stay with their class.


Name 2 important cafeteria rules that you have learned.

Examples: no sharing food, no throwing food, keep your area clean, use an inside voice, no rough housing ...


When are students permitted to fill up their water bottles?

During homeroom or bathroom breaks.


True or false: Our water bottles stay on our desks.

If false, correct the statement.

False. Our water bottles stay in the water bottle bin.

Where do we put INCOMPLETE work that needs to get turned in to Mrs. Mason?

Ketchup folder