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More Plants
Classifying Animals
More Classifying of Animals
This is the force that pulls objects toward each other
What is gravity?
This part of the plant makes food through a process called photosynthesis, where the leaves use sunlight, air, and water to make food for the plant
What is the leaves?
Bees travel from flower to flower getting this fine powder which is created by the male part of the flower on them
What is pollen?
This means that there is a back bone.
What is vertebrate?
This group of animals has feathers, has a backbone, breathes with lungs, has beaks or bills, wings, and lays eggs
What are birds?
These are flaming ball of gases
What are stars?
This part of the plant is responsible for taking in water and nutrients
What are roots?
This is a tiny part of a moss or fern that can grow into a new plant
What is a spore?
This means there is no backbone
What is invertebrate?
This group of animals has dry scales, lays eggs, cold blooded, has a backbone, breathes with lungs, and is low to the ground or lays on the ground
What are reptiles?
These two types of energy come from the sun
What is light and heat?
This part of the plant supports the plant by holding up the leaves and flowers and carry water and nutrients from the roots to the leaves
What are stems?
These types of trees are green year round
What is evergreen?
This is the external protection for arthropods
What is exoskeleton?
This group of animals gives live birth, has hair or fur, warm blooded breathes with lungs, has a backbone, feeds young with mother's milk
What are mammals?
The sun looks bigger and brighter than other stars because it is this
What is closer than other stars?
When a seed begins to grow it is called
What is germination?
These type of trees lose their leaves during winter in order to conserve energy. Come spring the leaves return
What are deciduous trees?
This group of animals has smooth moist skin, has a backbone, lays eggs and goes through metamorphosis and lives near water
What are amphibians?
This group of animals has slimy scales, lays eggs, breathes with gills, and has a backbone
What are fish?
These two properties play a role in how bright a star is
What is temperature and size
Plants need these things to live and grow
What is water, food for energy, and space to live and grow?
The purpose of these are to contain the seeds of the plant. They are usually consumed by animals that will transport the seeds to different areas
What are fruits?
This is the process where amphibians and arthropods change form from when they are young to adults. This includes tadpoles losing their gills and tails in favor of lungs and legs or when a caterpillar becomes a butterfly
What is metamorphosis?
This group of animals have jointed legs, an exoskeleton, segmented body, they are invertebrates, can be found in water, land, or in the air. They are the largest group of animals in the world.
What are arthropods?