Moving something AWAY from you
What is a push?
Simple machines make work ___________.
What is easier
What simple machines are in a pair of scissors?
Any combination of lever, wedge, screw
This is caused by two surfaces rubbing against each other
What is Friction?
Stretching, pulling, squeezing, and pushing are all examples of this
What are applied forces?
The force applied by a string or rope
What is Tension?
kicking a soccer ball is an example of a ______ with your foot
What is a push?
What simple machine is going to help me hold a picture on a wall
What is a screw
The amount of force used to do a task
What is Effort
The purpose of the ______ on a screw is to split things.
What is a wedge
Any kind of push or pull
What is force?
Forces can cause an object to change its' ________, ______, and ________.
What is shape, size, and movement?
What kind of simple machine should I use to ensure all my water stays inside my bottle?
what is a screw?
What simple machines are found in a shovel?
what is a wedge, lever, and screw?
The Indigenous people of Alberta used this to split planks
What is Antler wedge?