Context Clues
Author's Purpose
Main Idea

Chelsea and Elizabeth are sisters, but they’re very different. Just look at how they dress. Elizabeth doesn’t care what she wears or how unfashionable her clothes are. Chelsea, on the other hand, is quite chic. The word chic means:

What is "stylish or fashionable"


In the book "Lost to Trent," a little boy named Trent loses a beloved possession that he just can't live without. His older sister, desperate to help, offers to help find it. All she wanted was to see her little brother happy. What is the author's purpose?


What is "entertain"


Movies used to be just in black and white. They also had no sound. Today we have movies with amazing special effects. There are even movies in 3D. 

What is the main idea?

What is "movies have changed over the years"


Sam sat with his toes deep in the sand, enjoying the warmth of the sun on his cheeks. He lifted his head to the sky and inhaled the fresh scent of salty air, while seagulls soared past, seeking food from the water below.

Where is Sam?

What is "the beach"


Jaden couldn't stop daydreaming about what was for lunch when, suddenly, Ms. Mariani called his name. Jaden was so mortified that his face turned bright red.

What is the meaning of mortified?

What is "embarrassed"


Abraham Lincoln's birthday is on February 12th. He was our 16th President. He is remembered for freeing the slaves. 

Is the author's purpose to Persuade/Inform/Entertain?

What is "inform"


Emperor Penguins are carnivores, or animals that eat other animals. They eat mostly shrimplike animals called krill. They also eat fish and squid. Emperor Penguins use their sharp beaks to catch prey. Prey are animals that predators hunt.

What is the main idea?

What is "Penguins are carnivores that eat other animals"


After Ms. Eriksson's family ate their hot dogs and smores, they crawled into their sleeping bags. It was exciting to fall asleep under the stars while listening to owls hoot in the distance. What are they doing? 

What is "camping"


Benjamin was in the Dominican Republic trying to spot a very rare bird in the jungle. After 5 hours of looking, he finally saw the bird emerge from where it was hiding.

What is the meaning of emerge?

What is "to come out"


It's New! It's Refreshing! It's Slurpy Soda! This is the best soda in the world! If you drink this you will jump higher, run faster, and pass all of your spirals. Try one today!  Is this to Persuade/Inform/Entertain?

What is "persuade"


There were fresh lemons for sale at the farmer's market. Adrian bought a dozen lemons. He took them home and squeezed the juice into a glass. He added sugar, water, and ice. He then enjoyed his glass of fresh lemonade.

What is this paragraph mainly about?

What is "Adrian made lemonade"


The old man rose at the alarm, which rang at 5 AM every morning. He put on his hat and headed out to the field, a bucket of chicken feed in his hand. He loved the smell of fresh hay and the way the roosters called out with the sunrise.

What does the old man do for a living?

What is "farmer"


Priscilla said, “Maia, why are you making such a big deal about Eden's hair? Yes, he did dye it purple and it's an odd color. But so what? It's such a trivial matter. ”Trivial means:

What is "unimportant"


A book about the advantages of going to college, including information about the different colleges you can attend and what each one offers.


What is "persuade"


Mother's Day is a very special day. It is the perfect time to tell your mother how much she means to you. You can create coupons for special treats, or make her a delicious breakfast. Mother's Day is always the second Sunday of May.

Which sentence is the main idea?

What is "Mother's Day is a very special day"


Joel's cheeks burned as he moved toward the stage. His heart felt like a drum beating against his ribs. Boom, boom, boom. He took a deep breath as he approached the microphone to deliver his speech. Below him, the eyes of her 20 classmates looked up, but it felt like an audience of 200.

What is Joel feeling?

What is "nervous"


The ants surrounded the fallen potato chip in a swarm to take back to their nest.

What does swarm mean?

What is "a large group"


Wonderful’s family’s washing machine stopped working, so his dad ordered a new one. It was going to be delivered on Saturday. As soon as the washing machine was out of the box, Wonderful and his sister took out some crayons and colored all over it.


What is "entertain"


The butterfly is one of the most unique insects in the world. It begins as a small worm called a caterpillar, before enveloping itself into something called a "chrysalis" using a hard shell known as a cocoon. When it emerges, it is a beautiful butterfly!

Which sentence contains the main idea?

What is "the first sentence"


You're home alone and you think mom has to work until 5pm. You hear the garage door open around 4pm. What do you think is happening?

What is "mom got off work early"