What will another teacher give you if they catch you making a good choice?
Give you a "gotcha" ticket!
What happens if you don't do your homework?
You get a code.
What should you do if you break your pencil?
Put the broken one in the dull container and get one from the refill tub.
Where do you turn in your work?
In the completed work basket beside the sink.
What happens if the specials teacher has something negative to say about your behavior?
You get an automatic code.
What happens if you distract another student from learning?
You get a behavior code.
What should you do if the helper doesn't pass you a copy of the homework or classwork?
Make sure to let Mrs. Folmar know.
What should you do EVERY time you get a new book?
Check it out on the clipboard.
Where do you throw away your breakfast and snack trash?
In the hallway.
Who cleans the tables and sweeps the floors?
The helpers of the week
How can you make a behavior code disappear?
Use an oops card.
In the communication folder in my binder.
Where can you find your materials for centers?
In the trays on the counter next to the sink.
What is the last thing we do before we line up to go outside in the afternoon?
We put our chairs up on our desks.
What did Mrs. Folmar tell you never to touch in the cafeteria?
The window blinds
How do you get to come to the Clean Slate party?
Get no more than 10 codes in a grading period.
If you don't finish classwork, when will have time to complete it?
During Flex Friday.
How do you put colored pencils away?
With the others of the same color, point UP!
How many kids can sit at the low table on the floor?
How do you walk in the hallway?
Quietly with one foot on the black tiles and one foot on the white tiles.
Cash in Dojo points.
What do you do as soon as you come into the classroom in the morning?
When can you sit in the comfy chairs?
When you are reading a book.
What can you do when you finish your work?
Read a book or free choice activities.
How will teachers get your attention in the cafeteria if you are too loud?
Ring the bell.