3 x 7
what is 21
a boy wizard who has a lighting bolted-shape scar on his forehead
what is Harry Potter
a person who often travels
what is traveler
What are the 4 directions on the compass?
Spell the word: the color of the grass
what is green
8 x 3
what is 24
Talking toys coming to life that is owned by a boy named Andy
what is Toy story
older or more experienced people
what is senior
The only coin that is different color
what is a penny
Spell the word: the insect with 8 legs
what is spider
10 + 5 - 6
what is 9
A green monster steals Christmas
What is the Grinch
Take someone into custody by the police
what is arrest
What is the opposite of addition?
what is subtraction
Spell the word: the language we are speaking
what is English
3 X 2 X 6
what is 36
a rat, a hat and a chef
what is Ratatouille
An act of kindness beyond what is usual
what is favor
How many days are in one year?
Spell the word: an animal with long trunk
what is elephant
81 / 9
what is 9
Dreams of being a human
what is The Little Mermaid
Something alike, much the same
what is similar
What is largest state in America?
what is Alaska
Spell the word: it is a piece of rubber to rub out marks made by pencil
what is eraser