Which sound starts the word that means a small feline pet?
What is /k/?
In the word for a shape that is also an object in the night sky, what sound blend do you hear at the beginning?
What is /st/?
When you look at a word and break it down into sounds to read it, what is that process called?
What is decoding?
What is the past tense of jump?
What is jumped?
You can put the mail right in the sl_t. (o, e, y)
What is slot?
What sound do you hear at the end of the action word for leaping?
What is /p/?
Can you think of a word that starts with the blend that combines "s" and "l"?
What is sleep, slow, slop, slope, slide, etc?
If you see the letters "s-t-o-p" together, how would you say that?
What is stop?
If someone says "I walk," what form of the verb are they using?
The cl_ck says it is 2:15.
What is clock?
Find the initial sound in the place where learning happens.
What is /s/?
I can't wait to __ide down the hill on my __led.
How would you break down the word that means to engage in a recreational activity with a ball?
What is /p/ /l/ /a/ /y/?
How could you describe the action of playing in the past?
What is played?
I need to dr_ my hands.
What is dry?
What sound do you hear at the end of the word for a canine?
What is /g/?
Identify a word that starts with the blend that combines "s" and "p."
What is spell, spice, spoon, etc?
What should you do first when you encounter a word you don't know?
What is sound it out or identify patterns?
What is the present tense of the word for moving through water?
What is swims?
Pin the w_t socks up to dr_.
What is wet and dry?
Among these words, which one ends differently: "bat," "ball," "cat," or "mat"?
What is ball?
Explain the difference between two letters that blend together and two letters that create a single sound.
What is a blend combines sounds from two letters, while a digraph makes one sound from two letters?
If you see "f-r-i-e-n-d," how do you sound it out? What sounds are involved?
What is /f/ /r/ /i/ /e/ /n/ /d/?
Can you give an example of a sentence where someone describes an action that has already happened?
Answers will vary
Tr_ to throw it to m_.
What is try and me?