Commas, Parentheses, Dashes
Subject-Verb Agreement
Verb Tense
Commas in a Series

Fix the punctuation mistake:
"My brother who loves basketball plays for the school team."

What is "My brother, who loves basketball, plays for the school team"?


She (go, goes) to the store every Saturday.

What is goes?


We (go, went, will go) to the amusement park when the rain stops. 

What is will go?


Fix the punctuation mistake:
"I bought apples bananas and oranges at the store."  

What is "I bought apples, bananas, and oranges at the store."?


Fix the pronoun mistake:
"Her and Jake went to the store."

What is "She and Jake went to the store."?


Fix the punctuation mistake:
"The Eiffel Tower which is in Paris is a famous landmark."

What is "The Eiffel Tower, which is in Paris, is a famous landmark."?


The dog and the cat (was, were) playing outside.

What is were?


She (does, did, will do) her homework before dinner every night.

What is does?


Fix the punctuation mistake:
"She enjoys reading painting hiking and cooking."

What is "She enjoys reading, painting, hiking, and cooking."?


Fix the pronoun mistake:
"That book is her’s."

What is "That book is hers."?


Fix the punctuation mistake:
"Lisa my best friend is coming to my party."

What is "Lisa, my best friend, is coming to my party."?


Neither of the students (is, are) late for class.

What is is?


Fix the verb tense mistake:

"She writes her essay last night."

What is "She wrote her essay last night"?


Fix the punctuation mistake:
"The dog ran across the yard jumped over the fence and chased the squirrel."

What is "The dog ran across the yard, jumped over the fence, and chased the squirrel."?


Fix the pronoun mistake:
"Each student must bring their own pencil."

What is "Each student must bring his or her own pencil."?


Fix the punctuation mistake:
"My math teacher Mr. Jones gave us extra homework."

What is "My math teacher, Mr. Jones, gave us extra homework."?


My parents and my sister (help, helps) me with my homework. 

What is help?


Fix the verb tense mistake:

"He was walking to school when he drops his books."

What is "He was walking to school and dropped his books."


Fix the punctuation mistake:
"For lunch I had a sandwich chips an apple and a cookie."

What is "For lunch, I had a sandwich, chips, an apple, and a cookie."


Fix the pronoun mistake:
"The teacher gave the homework to Sarah and myself."

What is "The teacher gave the homework to Sarah and me."


Fix the punctuation mistake:
"I finally met her brother who is a professional soccer player."  

What is "I finally met her brother—who is a professional soccer player." ?


Either my parents or my brother (is, are) picking me up from school.

What is is?


Fix the verb tense mistake:

"Next year, I graduate from middle school and was starting high school."

What is "Next year, I graduate from middle school and will start high school."


Fix the punctuation mistake:
"At the zoo we saw lions tigers bears giraffes zebras and monkeys."

What is "At the zoo, we saw lions, tigers, bears, giraffes, zebras, and monkeys." 


Fix the pronoun mistake:
"Between you and I, him and me should have worked together on the project." 

What is "Between you and I, he and I should have worked together on the project."?