Two examples of linkers, adverbial phrases, conjunctions
Blood consists of:
Plasma, blood cells (red and white), and platelets
How was called all the members of the church
Main characteristics of RAYONISM
Dynamic rays of different colors to represent light
Difference between LEND and BORROW
Lend: give something to someone
Borrow: get something from someone, intending to give it back.
Steps to do good research.
Names of the four chambers (parts, spaces) of the heart
We called Feudalism...
The social, political, and economical system imposed in Europe during X and XIII C.
Main characteristics of MANNERISM
Technique of art that is over-elaborated or has exaggeration on it.
The system of exchanging things instead of money, we called:
Steps for academic success
The circulatory system consists of:
Blood and lymphatic system
Examples of cultural development
Cathedrals and universities
Main characteristics of FAUVISM
Use of strong color applied directly from the tube. It was the first step of abstraction
Existing or happening in many places
Steps do to a long piece of writing
Named 3 principals blood disorders
> Anemia
Main areas affected during the crisis in the Middle Ages
Main characteristics of NEOIMPRESSIONISM
Using tiny dots on the canvass. The use of optics like pointillism
What is a Counterfeiter?
People who make illegal copies of something
phrase: a group of words that cannot be used as complete sentences
Clause: a group of words that consists of a subject and a predicate
Organs responsible for the removal of waste
>Sweat glands
-Roman law
-Christian priests's work
-Translated Greek
-Arabic texts
Main characteristics of POST-IMPRESSIONISM
the rejection of the naturalistic colors and exaggeration of geometric forms.
What is scarce?
Not easy to find o get