World War I
Roaring Twenties and Great Depression
The New Deal
World War II
Civil Rights
His death sparked WWI
Who is Franz Ferdinand
Women would wear these in the 1920s?
What are flappers
This president was elected in 1932, he promised "A New Deal" for Americans
Who is Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR)
The United States joined WWII after the attack on this U.S. Naval Base
What is Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941
These two lawyers fought on the NAACP legal defense in Brown v Board of Education
Who are Thurgood Marshall and Oliver Hill
During WWII soldiers fought in these
What are trenches?
The 18th amendment called for this. It resulted in Bootleggers, Speakeasies, and Blind Pigs
What is the prohibition of alcohol?
These were some of the problems of the Great Depression that FDR's New Deal wanted to fix (name 2 of 4)
What is 1) Unemployment 2) Collapse of the financial system 3) Political Unrest 4) Farm foreclosures and migration
The plan to rebuild Europe after WWII and prevent the spread of communism
What is The Marshall Plan
These are examples of non-violent protest used during the Civil Rights Movement (name 3)
What is 1) civil disobedience 2) Montgomery Bus Boycott 3) Sit-ins 4) Marches 5) Protests
These countries made up the Central powers during WWI
What are Bulgaria, Austria-Hungary, and Germany
During the depression people who lost their jobs and homes lived in these shanty towns that they named _________
What are Hoovervilles?
The New Deal would impact American society, it would forever change the role of ________
What is the government?
"Its like lending a garden hose to a neighbor whose house is on fire" is the quote FDR used to describe this act in 1941
What is the Lend Lease Act
This act desegregated public accommodations in America
What is the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
After WWI this organization was formed to prevent future wars, the United States never joined
What is the League of Nations
Farmers during the Great Depression were affected by this
What is the Dust Bowl?
New Deal programs were established to fix some of the problems that caused the Great Depression, this agency aimed to fix unsound banking practices
What is the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
The name for the Allied strategy in the Pacific
What is island hopping?
These marches encouraged congress and President Johnson to pass the voting rights act of 1965 (name of the march)
What are the Selma to Montgomery Marches
The U.S. joined WWII because Germany sunk this ship
What is the Lusitania
These were economic danger signs of the 1920s (name 2 of 3)
What are 1) Over-speculation on stocks with borrowed money 2) Large gaps between the rich and poor 3) post-WWI international economic slump
FDR's New Deal programs and agencies were based on the ideas of these 3 R's....
What are Relief, Recovery and Reform
this boosted the morale and patriotic support for the war effort as well as portrayed the enemy in stereotypical ways
What is propaganda?
This policy was established by the government in the 1960s to correct some of the problems of segregation and to help previously disadvantaged groups
What is Affirmative Action